Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

A Mayan Encounter with Earth Changes:Surviving Volcanoes, Sink Holes and Storms

Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa

“There but for the grace
of god go I.”
popular phrase often invoked in recognition that perhaps your life is really
not all that bad, especially when compared to another!  The breath you are enjoying while
reading this article supports you to enjoy the experience of living and the
gift of reading this article supports you to expand through the living
experience.  These are the two
universal truths that propel us all through eons of time:  the experience of living in form and
the energy of expanding through it.

To fully understand these two energies is to also let go of
any and all need to control them.  Your choice of these two experiences on THIS PLANET, at THIS MOMENT in
time is to also call forth the greatest gift of all…your soul’s completion of a
mission you consciously started long ago.


What does this really
mean and why should you care?

  • Have you noticed that our beloved planet is
    starting to speak to us in ways she has not done before? 
  • Has your internal knowing started to heat up to
    the point where you “know” that something “big” is getting ready to come
    forward on our planet? 
  • Does your heart keep calling you to wake up to a
    greater reality?

Since you are reading this article right now, most likely
the answers to most of those questions, if not all of them, is yes!

The ignition of the two primary energies of experience and
expansion, are not limited to simply the human.  This energetic propulsion is fully present for ALL sentient
beings and the planet herself.  This energy is also the dynamic fuel that sends the signal throughout
the universe that support and continually re-ignite our collective missions.

Over the past three years we have been honored to develop a
beautiful and lasting relationship with the indigenous Maya of Guatemala.  With each visit and extended time spent
in the highlands we experience expansion in ways that are distinctly in contrast
to the linear minded/solution oriented fast pace of technologically advanced

Here we live and expand through what is naturally brought
forward each day.  Sometimes it is
as simple as the choices of food for the evening meal based solely upon what
was made available from the field, and on some days, it is as large as dealing
with the immediate experience and expansion that is thrust upon an entire
village through a sudden volcanic eruption and tropical storm.

This was our exact experience during the last week of May,

Nothing can ever fully prepare you for the immense impact of
the earth changes that so many have predicted.  You cannot mentalize your way through a large scale natural
disaster of biblical proportion.  You cannot make deals with god in the moment or hide behind an illusion
that this only happens to others.

You are Here!  You are Ready!  And, if you
are open to fully harnessing the gift of experience and expansion, you are also
guided to flow with all experience as you allow the greater forces of the
universe to express and lovingly direct you through the perceived chaos.

We had just left our beloved Lake Atitlan retreat center and
were on our way to Guatemala City to board a plane to the US the next day.  Our intuition had guided us to stay
outside the city that evening, and without questioning this, we found a lovely
spot in the beautiful city of Antigua, (about an hour outside of Guatemala

The weather was unusually ominous and there was a stark air
of stillness in the energy of the area that was not “usual”.  As we prepared to make our way to
dinner an urgent text message arrived from our friends in Guatemala City
announcing that the Pacaya Volcano had just erupted.

Paycaya Volcano - Photo by Lee Siebert

They were on their way to join us and were also being met by
torrential rain that was making their journey hazardous.  Stunned by the news, we sat, took in a
deep breath and began to ask others about the situation. 

“Yes”, the girl at the front desk shared, “the Pacaya has
started erupting spewing rocks, lava and a great amount of ash into the sky. It
is covering the city and this has not happened for many years.  The last time I remember I was a very
young child.  I believe they will
close the airport, and suggest you stay here and do not try to go to the city
any time soon.”

Making sense of what she was saying, we agreed to stay and
focused our energies upon our friends as we watched the streets outside begin
to flood in record time as the sky emitted an eerie glow from the volcano.

Hours later our friends appeared, tired and strained, yet
safe.  They too, were now here
overnight and unable to return to their home just an hour away.  As we sat together and held presence,
the news came in.  A tropical storm
named Agatha was on her way and promised to be powerful.  The airport was going to be closed for
many days.

Sink hole in Guatemala City

Waking up the next morning we were greeted by torrential
rains, very dark skies and the news that the volcano had erupted again
overnight, killing many.  There had
also been the sudden appearance of a large sinkhole in the center of Guatemala
City that had literally swallowed a three story building and looked so
perfectly formed that one would think only Hollywood could have created
it.  As if that was not enough, we
were told that that storm was moving in a direct path toward our village at
Lake Atitlan, San Antonio Palopo.

This beautiful remote village is one of the few remaining
authentic Maya towns.  The people
still wear traditional beautifully hand-woven clothing, and a deeper experience
of true community exists here in all-ways.  While our retreat center is a 20-minute boat ride from the
village, our connection to the village is strong.  We are the god-parents of several indigenous children,
assist with school supplies, employ as many villagers as possible, and assist
with ongoing education and environmental projects.  This is our village too!

The next two days were a blur.  Torrential Rain, ominous thunder, ash, darkness…it was a
surreal mix of awestruck presence and the recognition that we ARE IN THE earth
changes of 2012 NOW.

We awoke on the third day to calm skies and a hint of blue
and sun; our hearts were warmed and optimism ran high.  During our breakfast we were given the
first of the news that would forever shift our focus in a large way.

Our beautiful village of San Antonio Palopo had been struck
by 22 mudslides.  At least 15
villagers were dead with many still missing.  Homes had been literally carried away and the roads into the
village were impassable.


Acting quickly we started making calls to those who we knew
in the village.  The first one we
reached was Michael, the father of our Godson.  He was in shock and his voice trembling as he shared that
during the deluge he and his family suddenly felt the need to go visit his
wife’s brother.  They arrived at
what had been his home within moments of it having been swept into a
ravine.  They discovered his
brother in law hanging down the ravine with his young son in his arms.  Because of their quick action, they
were able to pull him out prior to his falling using a rope that was laying by
the ravine.

As they visited more and more of the family, they found them
already dead.  The mudslide claimed
most of their immediate family, and all that survived are now living in his
tiny 10ft x 10ft home, (about 15 of them).

We next contacted Agapito, a beautiful man whose family is
100% supported by TOSA La Laguna and the TOSA Miracle Team.  His immediate family was OK, however
they had lost their home and six members of their extended family were dead
with three more missing.  He was
busy helping to dig out as many bodies as possible and relocating his family to
safer shelter.  He was one of the
lucky ones, they found a house to rent that was still standing.

Within a 24-hour period, this sleepy, beautiful village was
virtually washed into the lake by mud, and over 600 people lost their homes and
all belongings.  Most were left
with only the very literal clothes on their back, and nothing more.  No food, no money, no shelter, no
water, all gone within 24 hours.

You would think that they would be defeated.  You would think that they would be
consumed by their tragedies.  And,
while the shock of the 24 hours was still setting in, what did come forward was
the truly magnificent experience of ascended community in action.

Together, this village began digging for their lost loved
ones.  Those who had the skills
began creating a makeshift water pipeline deep into the lake to pump
water.  Boats were driven to nearby
villages to get food so that at least even one small meal a day could sustain
the victims.  Funerals were
attended by everyone and together they modeled the power of love in

There was no looting.  There were no crimes committed against each other.  Food is not being hoarded, all is being
shared and all are calm as they move forward with their lives.

These humble people love the land.  These beautiful beings are not cursing Gaia for sending the
mudslides through their village.  These light-filled villagers are caring for each other and the energy of mine is yours is abundant everywhere.

Through this “tragedy” humanity is being gifted, as a
planet, with a model of true community; the opportunity to lift through
self-defeating experience and join together for the higher good.  In this space there is no room for ego,
there is no room for competition, there is simply the room to BE.

Tonight as you lay your head on your pillow on a bed that is
comfortable and safe, and as you drink a glass of clean water and notice that
your stomach is not yearning for food, we invite you to recognize that your
life is really quite amazing.

All your needs are met. And, the greater needs of our planet
are inviting us all to pay closer attention.  Gaia is speaking, loudly, are you listening?

A humanitarian aid
effort is underway to assist with the people of San Antonio Palopo.  To learn more about this project and
offer donations, (100% go to the people directly), please visit our article and donations page.

2 Responses

  1. Wow. This is so beautiful–the way the Maya are handling the situation, and the way you are assisting them, too. I was wondering why the Maya were going through this. Now I know at least part of the answer: it is so they can be a role model for the rest of us during these times. I would suggest that everyone who has a web site or blog link to this page so that this information gets out to the world. Encourage your friends to do the same. I feel that this is very important. May Heaven send Many Blessings for you, for this village, and for Gaia.

  2. Please could you be a little more specific as to what are the greater needs (examples of her needs)that our planet has to pay attention to, and what one can do(examples) to help meet her needs. Sometimes willingness needs specific guidance for us concrete thinkers,sorry. I recycle,try to combine all trips into one, and send appreciation, peace, apologies and gratitude to the earth every day. Is this on or off track? Thank-you most kindly for any specific suggestions. Yes I feel her groanings. How do I help her, suppport her? Soulfully awaiting your reply.

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A Mayan Encounter with Earth Changes:Surviving Volcanoes, Sink Holes and Storms

2 Responses

  1. Wow. This is so beautiful–the way the Maya are handling the situation, and the way you are assisting them, too. I was wondering why the Maya were going through this. Now I know at least part of the answer: it is so they can be a role model for the rest of us during these times. I would suggest that everyone who has a web site or blog link to this page so that this information gets out to the world. Encourage your friends to do the same. I feel that this is very important. May Heaven send Many Blessings for you, for this village, and for Gaia.

  2. Please could you be a little more specific as to what are the greater needs (examples of her needs)that our planet has to pay attention to, and what one can do(examples) to help meet her needs. Sometimes willingness needs specific guidance for us concrete thinkers,sorry. I recycle,try to combine all trips into one, and send appreciation, peace, apologies and gratitude to the earth every day. Is this on or off track? Thank-you most kindly for any specific suggestions. Yes I feel her groanings. How do I help her, suppport her? Soulfully awaiting your reply.

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