The Astral Collapse and Humanity’s Greatest Challenge!
by Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa
At this moment of astounding awakening amongst humanity, there is simultaneously an “energetic dis-ease” that is sweeping across the planet. This ‘virus’ is unseen, yet exists almost everywhere. It has become part of the very atmosphere we breathe. This subtle energy penetrates its willing host with a sense of ‘self’ that offers a perceived benefit to the ego of the host. It is non-physical and as such, those it inhabits are often oblivious to its influence. That is, it is an energy which empowers the ego, and if the host welcomes the initial sense of security that accompanies egoic empowerment, then it will anchor in the 7th chakra of the host and interfere with their authentic divine connection.
This energy cannot enter one’s experience unless it is called in.
With the collapse of the fourth dimension and the proximity of the fifth, this energy was triggered by the astral “collapse” which is now closely overlaid with current third dimensional experience. The 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions are tightly over-laid at this time and are often confused. it is possible to experience of any of these vibrational states while engaging a seemingly normal life. This is one of the greatest gifts of our moment and one of the greatest challenges!
We call in this disruptive energy from the astral by holding certain states of consciousness. Typically, a sense of righteousness or need to find fault in another opens the doorway to its presence. Anger, fear and judgment are signals to the astral that the ego-self is seeking reinforcement. This is literally food for stray astral energies that are seeking a new sense of “stability” and will harness your light as the gateway to do so.
Please bring a hand to your heart, take a deep breath and understand that there is nothing to fear! We are at a profound moment of spiritual maturity and the presence of this energy is offering the great gift of discernment. Fear, anger, righteousness all can be triggered through our interactions. However, your natural state of being, the energy of your soul, is peaceful, loving and joyful. The impulse to control others simply cannot be present when one is in soul consciousness. This is the state of softness that introduces greater connection and flow into your life experience.
Our hearts simply offer you this gift by sharing this revelation to sharpen your discernment. When fear or anger arise, it is a signal that your ego needs are not being met. These emotions offer a signal to breathe deeper and become mindful. These emotions remind us that we have a choice; we can anchor in the limited experience of the ego, or we can use the ego to help us choose an expanded experience.
The collapsed astral field is an energy that is supported by those who fear reunion and unification. Unification is a natural result for One who has resolved the individuated experience and aligns soul consciousness with Oneness. Reunion offers an embrace of all perspectives as consciousness expands beyond the preoccupations of fear-based ego.
Your consciousness is your domain, your playground of divine experience. Any who would seek to interfere with your path of awakening, your authentic divine reunion, are simply acting from impure motives stimulated by the collapsed astral energies seeking to self-perpetuate. This interfering energy is offered as a seduction, not a demand. Like the classic ‘deal with the devil,’ those who invite this energy into their consciousness discover an immediate sense of freedom because they will feel stronger or more empowered. This initial sense of empowerment is actually an entrapment…the seeming benefit is only a benefit to the ego.
The ego is an important ingredient in the human condition…it is fundamental to our existence and the ego has an important job. Its job is to keep us safe while we enjoy our individuated experience in a body. Yet, the ego was never intended to be the soul governing energy for the life experience here. The ego itself was enlarged or engineered to have greater governance by those known as the Illuminati.
The ego allows humans to be more easily controlled….it is a tissue that disconnects us from direct mystical connection with our Divine legacy. The ego is the self-identified limiting energy that people refer to as the veil. Yes, your ego is your veil. And it will gather around it those who also have the same veil as a means to self-perpetuate.
Those on a spiritual path recognize that fearful self-preoccupation will entrap one in duality. The ego is an individuated sense of self that identifies with the body, believes in separation and is empowered by pain. It is a powerful veil and only one who is truly dedicated in their spiritual surrender will master the ego.
Mastery is very tricky, for the ego can not be dissolved….it is needed to have a healthy life on earth. So the ego itself must learn that the soul, the authentic Self, is loving, wise, and a non threatening companion in consciousness. Over time, the ego surrenders its need to govern the life of the person as it surrenders to the unconditional love of the soul.
The immature ego thrives on control and attention. It welcomes the seduction of the astral energy. The ascended ego experiences the trust of knowing that its needs will be met, for this ego has witnessed the spiritual path of the person and seen the healing first hand. Your ego is useful when you confront the creations of density, for it affords you a vehicle for interaction. Later, when enlightenment is recognized, the need for the ego is lessened. Then the ego simply rests.
Life is a journey and a gift. If you are aware of your soul, then you must chose to champion your awakening or your awareness will become a concept that is talked about, not a reality that is lived.
We are literally experiencing the birth of a new cycle, a shift of the ages. This transition stimulates great energy and with energy comes great creativity. Already many on this planet are using this energy to feed their wallets, to capture natural resources and to discount the worthiness of other beings. And many on the planet are using the energy to expand creation and harnessing the energy to dissolve their legacy of separation and embrace oneness. All options are available, and as a consensus is reached, the qualities of the next cycle are set in motion.
There is an astral “virus” spreading across the globe. The gift is that you can use this information to WAKE UP … to enliven your resolve to unplug from density. Otherwise the virus will support you to perpetuate the essence has entrapped humanity for millennia. The virus offers a strong and powerful spiritualized ego to those who want spirit. It will empower fear and struggle for those who believe that they will never be good enough. By encouraging the ego, this virus offers the continued experience of what the ego has already demonstrated, namely duality, suffering and endless rebirths.
There is no one to save. There are only discernments to embrace and choices to make.
Self-Ascension is a loving choice that has been re-gifted to the planet for those who choose it. To fully awaken to your spiritual maturity and claim your spiritual Self-Ascension is a slender thread easily lost from view when the hypnosis of emotion and ego color our vision. Be with those who are awake to nourish your own awakening and you will discover that the most beautiful gifts are still ahead and ready to anchor now.
We love you.
7 Responses
Thank YOU for this beautiful discernment. To move through this energy consciously has been a challenge and a gift. I love how the article emphasizes response-ability. While I am grateful for the lessons of the astral, I welcome the move forward through the expansionary experience of form. As the soul is empowered the ego and body are free to relax. The soul creates a nurturing, healing, sovereign space, in loving connection to the Allness. Joy! We are complete.
Thanks for this msg, it is true that the whole Univers will
change, I will do my best to tell this to others. With love Ludmilla
So beautiful. So refreshing that anyone dares to speak about the ego.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for the beautiful and empowering information you are bringing forth at this time. It is helping me tremendously!
Thank you, i needed that.
Many blessings of gratitude for this sharing! As you know, it is most needed at this moment…Thank you.
The veil is being lifted as we shed the illusions of density. I agree that the synchronicities coming forward at this time are truly amazing! Sri and Kira, I wouldn’t have seen it all without your guidance – Thank you. X