Evolution or Revolution! The Cycles of Change!
The power of 12/21/2012 will not fully be understood until we are well into 2013!
This is the nature of cycles. They must be felt and experienced to be understood. In this powerful and exploratory episode, Sri and Kira discuss humanity’s inherent fear of change and fixation on doom and gloom!
What does this mean and how can we grow this moment … or can we? 2013 is the Mayan Sunrise of humanity and with it comes powerful shifts for us all!
We are at the brink of Evolution or Revolution…again! Tune in and open your mind and heart…Sri and Kira offer a nothing held back perspective that is worth taking note of!
One Response
Dear beloved Srii and KIra!! I just want to say that I loved this show.
It is so true We are the Mayan Sunrise!
It just went rightinto my heart. We cant wait anymore, the time is now!!
Take action! Share your visions!
Love you!