Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

2013 Cosmic Sunrise



When we invited the revelation of this information, the Archangelic realm was clear that there were 13 universal questions that are being asked by all of humanity. While the exact phrasing of these questions may vary by culture and personality, the essence of their presence is to offer greater clarity to those who are asking.

Archangel Zadkiel begins:

Beloved Ones, we offer to you the 13 questions that are beating within the light presence of those who are living the journey of your world.  As humanity is now ready to experience the cosmic sunrise and the gathering of universal light, the responses to these questions is best served as shared through The Blue Starborn. 

These beings of great love and presence have been, and will always be, ever present for those in the experience of density.  The energy of the Blue Starborn carries at its essence the healing rays of light that unify all streams of divine love.

Remember them as the Essene, and remember them as the healing pulse that is calling out through all manifest forms of love!  Here are the questions we offer as the summation of those you are all asking.  These questions are not aligned with any country, creed, personality or ego-based strata.  They simply are…and it is the Blue Starborn who will respond on behalf of us all.

  1. Why has the planet called forth the great energies of world war once again?
  2. Is there a future on this planet for our children and what are we to do?
  3. Must humanity live through the prophesied times of turmoil?  Will we need to store food/water and prepare for great challenges?
  4. Is there a safe place to live upon this world?
  5. What methods of spiritual connection can we use to prepare? 
  6. Are we ready to re-connect with our galactic brethren? How can we discern this experience and avoid interference energy?
  7. Is technology a key to our future and how can we harness this for good?
  8. How can we sustain our physical bodies in higher frequency energies as there seems to be significant shifts for those who are waking up?
  9. What role does economic experience have in this moment and how does it affect our future?
  10. Is the sun of this solar system preparing to set into motion a series of large flares that will stimulate greater challenges for humanity?
  11. Is the planet herself preparing to cleanse in ways that are contrary to human life?  Polar shift, weather pattern shifts or something else?
  12. Will the shift in dimensional space/time energy be felt by all or only those who are consciously connecting with this shift?  Are there two earths? More?
  13. Is it possible for one person to make a difference?  Do our actions here on this planet impact our Self-Ascension

The Blue Starborn speak:

Beloved beings of great light and divine presence we offer our loving hello.  The moment of your divine wisdom has reignited a great up-swell within the beating cosmic heart and your voices are heard in all ways!

We offer ourselves with the joy of your own heart and the gift of this moment as we respond to these questions, which have been generated by the collective planetary consciousness of humanity.

Our responses are offered as a gateway of inspiration to your divine healing essence.  Once you ignite this essence, all of your questions will fade away for the divine questioner within will emerge.

When the divine questioner emerges, all questions arise with the answers along side.  We offer only that which will assist your greater re-awakening and offer our love and presence to you, our beloved brethren.

(Sri Ram Kaa begins asking the questions from Archangel Zadkiel)

1. Why has the planet called forth the great energies of world war once again?

 As with all human experience, there is the energy of cycles that exists within all manifest forms in density.  To understand cycles is to free yourself from them.  Each being lives with the divine cycle of their own choosing.  When one incarnates on a planet of cyclical experience, to bring forth that which has been “done before” is a large and valuable part of the expansion of your journey.

The question of a world war is not why or when.  The question is how.  We offer this with great love and reverence, for when you allow yourself to break through the fear of this experience and to expand through this experience, you will immediately be free from this experience.

War is a powerful teacher in this world.  War exists consistently and dependably in many forms and cannot be eliminated.  However it can be minimized and shortened as you no longer fuel this great fire.

Harness the energy of the cycles into the moment of your liberation.  The linear timeline of 2013 offers you the opportunity to shift the way the cycle will end.  And as with all cycles, the end of one is merely the beginning of another.

2. Is there a future on this planet for our children and what are we to do?

There is always a future. There is always a past, and there is always now! Your children, just as you were a child, have already made the choice as to the “future” that they envision and are supporting.

Each beloved being of divine wisdom is acutely aware of the time line that they chose to be with and the experiences that are “set” to be present during those times. You were excited and delighted to be in this world for this moment now. The questions you are asking are those that assist the “child” within to have a greater memory of the decision you already made.

Allow your children their choices as you were allowed yours. The future is assured and the future of your children is theirs to create. You are merely the facilitator of their dream as your parents were the facilitators of your dream.

3. Must humanity live through the prophesied times of turmoil? Will we need to store food/water and prepare for great challenges?

Without the dark there is not the light.  Without the challenge there is not the joy.  It is easy to forget this while living in the world of  polarity, yet it is the polarity that has allowed you to be!

Must humanity live through these times…no.  However will humanity live through these times is more accurate.  Each being on this planet, as with beings on other planets, assists with the planetary thought body that calls forth the creative essence of the divine to co-create that which is needed to continue.

It is often sensed as ironic that what may be needed to continue may feel to the mind of the densified world as destructive.

Each being will be called to have a greater and greater inner knowing and to follow that knowing.  The environment on this world is supporting great freedom for those who chose to find it and greater enslavement for those who are still fearing their freedom.

Each pathway is available and each pathway will clearly reveal itself.  If you are feeling called to prepare, then prepare.  If you are feeling called to not prepare, then also follow your heart.

The experience is ahead, and each will be prepared as they are in alignment with their inner wisdom.  ALL beings will experience exactly as they are called to.

4. Is there a safe place to live upon this world?

Is there a safe place to live anywhere?  What is it to be safe?  This is a powerful question that is at the core essence of most of the other 13 questions, for it transcends the overt meaning of a geographical location.

While geography upon your planet is the perceived reason for asking this question, the greater questions is AM I SAFE?

When one asks this question it is a great and powerful signal from the universal soul body that the human form is in control.  This is of course a powerful step along your journey of remembrance and calls for celebration.

To ask if you are safe and if there is a safe place on this world is a great call that your inner journey is ready to escalate into an expanded role.  Begin by celebrating that your fear has come forward with a loud voice.

The attachment to the physical form is one of the reasons for your journey. It is one of the primary reasons you are here…now.  Are you safe?

You are always safe and you are always protected.  It is the greater expansion and understanding of this question that is ready for your consciousness to embrace.

Live where your heart is calling you to without letting the mind control your answer! If you are called to dwell in the heart of the largest city, then fully embrace this choice without the “reasons” letting you dismiss what you know is true for you!

If you are called to live in a remote area that fills your heart with joy, then honor this knowing and dive in with great joy.

In all cases, allow yourself to physically locate where your heart guides you FREE From the distraction of the mind telling you “this is safe or this is not safe”.

To ask this question is to exercise your trust and your inner wisdom.  Remember that the single greatest experience of this moment is to anchor this great gift…to trust your inner knowing without fear.

5. What methods of spiritual connection can we use to prepare?

What methods would you like to use?  This is the great experience of “All-ness within Oneness”.  You have chosen the moment in your linear time expression to be fully present with everything that is expressing…and this is without limits.

Far beyond the judgements of this way or that way, or this group or that group, lies the core essence of All-ness within One-ness.

Each beloved being of light is a spark of the divine illumnation.  Within that energy is the ability to express everything. This can be overwhelming to a mind of density that wishes to categorize all experiences with a value. These values are good/bad, nice/nasty, rich/poor, and many more.

When the universal oneness within illuminates again, the expansive understanding of all-ness comes forward to smile and accept that ALL PATHS are perfect: that every path has the equal right to be and that every being in form expression is doing their part to expand the all-ness.

This is the moment of the reunificaiton into oneness.  The rubber band of all-ness has stretched itself far and wide, and when it relaxes, it will forever be larger and the oneness will be ever more enhanced.

You are a stunning and beautiful gift within the all-ness and your oneness is calling you to re-member this gift once again.

6. Are we ready to re-connect with our galactic brethren? How can we discern this experience and avoid interference energy?

With a smile we say ready or not here we come!  For the question of readiness is one that is beyond a sense of evolutionary preparation.  Readiness comes from an activation of ancient strands of DNA that are present within all, activated within many, and dormant for most.

Yet, all who are on this planet carry this DNA in one form or another!  Many give it different names and offer the connections with this DNA that are perfect for their experience of the All-ness.

To reconnect with your Galactic brethren is not something that was ever disconnected!  You are simply at the moment of lifting back into the greater awareness of yourself as a galactic citizen which is all that ever needed to happen.

Interference is the tool of those who enjoy fear!  It matters not where it originates, it can only find its effectiveness when ignited by fear.  As your fear releases so does the ability for any interference to enter or influence you.

Once your galactic connection is fully anchored within your own presence, you are no longer subject to the energy of interference.

7. Is technology a key to our future and how can we harness this for good?

The birth of your technological advancements is one that has been carefully witnessed by many of your galactic brethren.  With each step along the way the subtle gifts of expression that your heightened intelligence has created have been nurtured.

When the technology becomes the reason that one no longer engages their pure essence, then the technology enters a dangerous phase.

This phase is only dangerous because it is the sole experience where one can lose their ability to navigate the energy of their heart center.  Offering technology the wisdom of your creation is of great value, and assuming that technology “cares” is a great sidestep on your journey.

Technology is certainly a great part of this moment and without it you would not be where you are now.  And, where it takes you is still based upon the central pervading energy of all humankind.

It will uplift or destroy.
It will create or take away.
It will illuminate or distract.

And, it is unable to accomplish any of this without you!

8. How can we sustain our physical bodies in higher frequency energies as there seems to be significant shifts for those who are waking up?

Beloved beings of water, earth and air…it is your spirit that is assisting your physical form to experience the shifts and your spirit that is guiding you now.  Are you listening?

You are primarily water within your physical form and providing this gift to your form daily in significant and conscious ways is paramount for your comfort.  This means to be attentive to your amount of water consumption, the type of water you ingest, and how often you submerge yourself in water. 

Allow the gentle movement of water to assist you to gain a deeper momentum in the flow of the universal stream of energy and you will find great comfort.

We also invite you to gaze at the food you ingest to keep your form nourished and to pay attention to the living energy that it contains.  The greater the amount of living energy that you ingest, the greater the pulse beat of the universe can flow through you with ease and grace.

Finally, we invite thee to connect with the great central sun and the energy of the moon.  Breathe deeply and often the energy of these perceived opposites…sun/moon…as you gaze upon the bounty of your planet.   Fill your form with deep, conscious breath and you will discover an ever-ripening pathway to assist your greatest comfort.

9. What role does economic experience have in this moment and how does it affect our future?

The power of the ecomony that has been established within your world only carries as much power as it is granted.  It is the ultimate illusion and the most powerful keeper of the energy of fear.

As long as you carry fear in any form, then the economic experience will carry a large affect on your personal and global future.

This powerful fear based ally of the army of fear is poised to exercise its own war and the potency of this war is still not yet pre-determined.  The very nature of its presence is a testimony to its power.  And it will continue to exert its influence over all countries, governments and people until it is seen for what it is.

You have chosen to be living in a world experience that collectively has created one of the single largest sources of energy around this model.  Therefore you are part of the outcome.

This outcome will vary for each being and each being will be part of the eventual culmination.  2013 will offer the first supportive energies to enter into the disillusion of the illusion and the foundation of the freedom. 

10. Is the sun of this solar system preparing to set into motion a series of large flares that will stimulate greater challenges for humanity?

Everything is culminating during this moment within the linear timeline.  For each phase of the experience of expansion there is an out breath and an in breath.  And, there is the glorious moment in between. 

It is now the time to fully exhale…which also offers a great sense of relaxation.  When the energy of any experience is held in for a significant duration, the exhalation is larger and more force-filled.

Your solar system is ready for its full and due exhale.  During this time everything will be relaxing.  Your sun is a central point and will be the first to demonstrate that the time of the relaxing has begun.  It will be the signal that points the way to a new way of experience. 

Pay attention to this moment and trust the guidance you receive.  For those who are aware there is nothing to fear and for those who are bound to fear this will also be a freeing moment!

11. Is the planet herself preparing to cleanse in ways that are contrary to human life? Polar shift, weather pattern shifts or something else?

Your central sun will ignite the power of the universe to offer all the signal that the moment of divine expansion is at hand. Your beloved planet will follow her lead in all ways and this pattern will first establish itself in the early spring of your 2013.

From that point a three year momentum will become self-evident that will offer greater insights and clarity for all of humanity. This is not a time to be feared! It is a time to harness all that you have prepared for and to be a force of love, light and illumination.

Your world is not ready to let go of sustaining life…she is inviting life to let go of sustaining the current cycle so that the new cycle may begin!

12. Will the shift in dimensional space/time energy be felt by all or only those who are consciously connecting with this shift? Are there two earths? More?

The experience of multiple dimensions and experiences is one that as travelers you are already familiar with.  However within the current construct of your experience of the earth there is the recognition that there is much more.

Beyond the day to day and along side of it is the ever present availability to simply step into another earth.  We say this quite literally.  There are certainly more than this one earth experience.

It is the gift of the illusion to create the belief that there is only one earth.  The acceleration of the interaction with space/time and the advancements within your technological interface have now come forward to prove to the mind of this world that multiple dimensions are here.

This playground has come fully to your world now and while the day to day may seem as if there is only one earth, the multiple worlds of experience are currently overlaid upon this world.

The great gathering of all universal energy is currently focused upon this world, and this period of “time”.  It is because within the experience of the all-ness, you have called forth an unyet realized outcome that has not yet been gifted to the oneness.

As you relax into the acceptance of the multiple “you” that is currently experiencing, this question also relaxes and the answer becomes lovingly self-evident.

13. Is it possible for one person to make a difference? Do our actions here on this planet impact our Self-Ascension?

We smile again and ask you this:  Does your deepest heart truly feel that there is anything you have not yet done or attained?

Within the clarity of your soul there is the smile of the perfection.
And, within the experience of your life in form there is the gift of breaking through the illusion while fully experiencing all aspects of the illusion.

Each piece is a divine mosaic that is best when viewed from the distance of the illuminated One who has reclaimed their internal knowing without fear.

2013 will offer to each being the divine gifts of breaking through all fear and doubt or to be swallowed by it.

Each being is the spark and each being is a valuable and critical piece in the total mosaic.  For when even one piece is not assembled, the total is unable to be seen.

Arise to your place in the galactic viewing gallery and smile!

For you have already ascended…now it is time to enjoy the Self-Ascended state while still in form so that your presence may ignite others to do the same.


9 Responses

  1. Blessings to you, Dear Ones,

    I deeply honor these transmissions and ask that we be held in Sacred Healing Trust for Divine Guidance at this Time of the Translation. I am feeling called to join with your community at this juncture, not knowing the how/why of the 3D construct of allowing this to be possible. I seem to have connected with the Blue Ray when living in Sitka, Alaska back in July 2010. Recently, again, via Shekira in Sedona AZ the Blue Ray speaks to me. Infinite Blessings to you for your Divine Service to Humanity. Namaste’ Daphne’ of the Blue Ray

  2. to sri and kira….your channels and comments are so very appreciated. They are so meaningful and answer so many questions with-in. just want you to know how loved you are and how much i look forward to all you have to share of yourselves. so glad you are o.k. and rode the wave of the quake. Was thinking of you. bless you a thousand times ten thousand, ellen

  3. To wake to a lake in the morning,
    Opening eyes an wanting to sing.

    A large body of water and a volcano,
    made it easy to stay in the flow.

    Beings were removed from people,
    It helped to make one’s heart more full.

    We meet with a Mayan that always carried Love harmony and homor,
    At times we all loved each other on the beautiful lake shore.

    There was times when the most beautiful Presence was there,
    There were many energies there that had loving energy showing they care.

    Eternal Love and Gratitude Mikey

    I thought message 13 was Great

  4. I agree with Mikey, message 13 is great: “And, within the experience of your life in form there is the gift of breaking through the illusion while fully experiencing all aspects of the illusion.” It is “the fully experiencing all aspects of the illusion” which I resented and was impatient with having forgotten the Higher Truth of Awareness. I will push through the illusion now equipped with the “shield of divine memory”, the ultimate act of trust in infinite love. Blessings!

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2013 Cosmic Sunrise

Revelations from the Blue Starborn: 13 Universal Questions Answered

9 Responses

  1. Blessings to you, Dear Ones,

    I deeply honor these transmissions and ask that we be held in Sacred Healing Trust for Divine Guidance at this Time of the Translation. I am feeling called to join with your community at this juncture, not knowing the how/why of the 3D construct of allowing this to be possible. I seem to have connected with the Blue Ray when living in Sitka, Alaska back in July 2010. Recently, again, via Shekira in Sedona AZ the Blue Ray speaks to me. Infinite Blessings to you for your Divine Service to Humanity. Namaste’ Daphne’ of the Blue Ray

  2. to sri and kira….your channels and comments are so very appreciated. They are so meaningful and answer so many questions with-in. just want you to know how loved you are and how much i look forward to all you have to share of yourselves. so glad you are o.k. and rode the wave of the quake. Was thinking of you. bless you a thousand times ten thousand, ellen

  3. To wake to a lake in the morning,
    Opening eyes an wanting to sing.

    A large body of water and a volcano,
    made it easy to stay in the flow.

    Beings were removed from people,
    It helped to make one’s heart more full.

    We meet with a Mayan that always carried Love harmony and homor,
    At times we all loved each other on the beautiful lake shore.

    There was times when the most beautiful Presence was there,
    There were many energies there that had loving energy showing they care.

    Eternal Love and Gratitude Mikey

    I thought message 13 was Great

  4. I agree with Mikey, message 13 is great: “And, within the experience of your life in form there is the gift of breaking through the illusion while fully experiencing all aspects of the illusion.” It is “the fully experiencing all aspects of the illusion” which I resented and was impatient with having forgotten the Higher Truth of Awareness. I will push through the illusion now equipped with the “shield of divine memory”, the ultimate act of trust in infinite love. Blessings!

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