Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

YES Everything is Changing and You Are Ready!


The moment before us all may at times feel and appear as if it is a sudden AWARENESS of the convergence of so much energy, And this is a moment that has birthed through the collective consciousness of the Planetary thought body as it intersects with your Ascended Presence.

Yes! There are moments that this is going to feel overwhelming or all encompassing.
Yes! You are living in a new world EXPERIENCE.
Yes! You are the MASTER and the CHOICE before you is now clearer than ever!

The massive Up-level energy is here and will continue to escalate over the next 24 months.
How your intersect with this energy will determine where you arrive as it culminates.

If there was ever a moment where we are being gifted with the opportunity to FULLY CLAIM MASTERY and ASCEND into the MIRACLE PRESENCE of your Divine Nature it is now!


This is also the moment where exactly the opposite will come forward with equal energy!

2020 is the year of Perfect Balance and as so, every “THING” is striving to attain that balance. Remember that all energy is neutral! It is only how it intersects with our co-creative nature that determines HOW that energy manifests!

For several years we have honored the Guidance that propels our service to the ALL.
In this moment there are things you can do -everyday- that will carry you through this moment and deliver you on the other side of it refreshed, ready and Filled with Miracle Presence!

And, for many who are choosing to dive into the pull of density that is so very attractive, they will also arrive on the other side, dis-empowered, withdrawn, and ready to “receive instruction” on how they are to live and what to believe.

The “war” for our soul is here and you are a Five Star General on the front line! If your heart called you to read this sharing then your Soul is calling out to you and assuring you that SUPPORT IS HERE! YOU ARE READY!

In this moment here are the action steps that you can take…today…that will carry you through this moment and assist you to FLOURISH!

1. READ the full Transitioning through Triggers Series! All three PDF links are here and we strongly suggest you print them and grab a highlighter!
2. DOWNLOAD our FREE APP. It is filled with meditations, daily reflections, weekly practices and the Om/Aum Breath practice. And if your heart calls …then discover what else is waiting in the Mastery Mentorship section!
3. CONNECT (live if possible) to our Three Weekly Radio shows! You can find them all at and we broadcast LIVE at YouTube/OfficialSriandKira
3. SUBSCRIBE to YouTube/OfficialSriandKira and YouTube/OnenessTalkRadio. You will then be notified for all Live events and when new videos post. And make sure you have also subscribed to our free newsletters! Filled with timely and help-filled sharing and all-ways free.
4. DISCOVER your favorite Yoga of Self-Ascension Practices at our homepage, (all free), and commit to doing at least ONE per day.
5. LOVE YOURSELF and do something that brings you joy every day!
6. EXPLORE the Messages from the Masters. Simply visit the main page, notice which series calls to you and then notice which lesson you want to read. Smile as you connect with exactly what you are needing to be-with in the moment.

May your heart know that TOGETHER WE ARE BETTER and as Archangel Zadkiel so lovingly shares:

Keep your eyes on the Divine at all times!

We are here and WE CARE!




Sri & Kira

Here are t6he download links for the Transitioning Through Triggers series:

Transitioning through Triggers Part 1

Transitioning through triggers Part 2-1

Transitiong through triggers part three

One Response

  1. Thank you Sri and Kira for your unwavering service and commitment to the upliftment of humanity. You have been mentors for me for 10 years now and I am so very grateful to have found my soul family. Together we ARE better and Together we WILL make a differences!

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YES Everything is Changing and You Are Ready!


One Response

  1. Thank you Sri and Kira for your unwavering service and commitment to the upliftment of humanity. You have been mentors for me for 10 years now and I am so very grateful to have found my soul family. Together we ARE better and Together we WILL make a differences!

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