Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

The Law of Instantaneous Manifestation(™)

The Law of Attraction is contained within the density co-creative experience.

 It is an invaluable step to assist with awakening the divine within and a blessing for ALL to discover. Simultaneously, it lovingly assists the reclaiming of true self through training the mind of form how to focus with “conscious intent”. At its core, the Law of Attraction is the intersection of the BELIEFS and WANTS arising through the experience of life in form.

And, through this process of self-discovery and ever refining awakening, your divine nature awaits your invitation to expand your attraction through the insertion of divine love.

This experience of the Law of Attraction is the primary tool that assists the ego identity self to release resisting the call to trust the spirit. Everyday miracles are witnessed. Each moment becomes the food of illumination for the spirit self. Your life experience begins to expand with greater awareness, as the ego identity self begins the dance of awakening.

Many will dance indefinitely.  This dance can be multiple lifetimes of experience, or not.  Mastering the dance is a beauty-filled experience and most full-filling for the spirit self to witness…thereby the dance continues as long as the dance is serving the expansion of the experience.  For the ego self is filled with the transient joy of the fulfillment of the belief and the want.

The essence of a belief is outside of your divine nature and a creation of density.

Thereby to fully remember the gift of your divine nature is simply to relax and lift back into that which you are. FULLY and AUTHENTICALLY.  Beyond the essence of the belief is your divine memory. It is yours to claim at any time.

And, as you DOUBT this and as you BELIEVE thoughts that are the gift of a co-creative illusion, this is how the power of the Planetary thought body is generated.   The planetary thought body is the repository of ALL BELIEFS, THOUGHTS and ACTIONS of this co-created illusionary experience.

Unconscious of its existence until the moment of the re-awakening of your divine nature, the responsibility to LOVE the planetary thought body has been greatly ignored.

The fourth dimensional entities of confusion and ego gratification that were held in loving “suspension” have now been released by the strong magnetic pull of the Planetary thought body of the third dimension.   The dense constriction within the fourth dimension has added to the ease with which the energies of jealousy, hate, greed, anger, fear and DOUBT have together creating a binding element that propels the energy of the Planetary thought body into a greater spin.

This is also why the energies of divine love and nourishing support, from within the refined realms of the fourth dimension, are now assisting with anchoring and stabilizing the fifth dimensional gateway.

All is in divine order as there are FLOODS of those who are seeking to enter into the Fifth dimension and will now be able to navigate with greater ease.

The minimizing of the breadth of fourth dimension, in harmony with the lightening[1], has created the vast gateway that will assist many to find their way with greater ease!

This is the essence of your divine nature!

To offer through service for those who are ready to find their way.

Each multiplying the energy and experience of the ALL, thereby calling into the creation of the belief systems that are feeding the planetary thought body, the energy of LOVE.

Love is the only energy that can be inserted into the planetary thought body from the essence of the ascended realms without interference. LOVE IS as I AM.

Divine Love is how you transform the Law of Attraction into the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation*.

What is the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation*?

This is the love that relaxes all ego self identity and invites the physical form to say YES and remain in service for as long as the illuminated presence serves.

This begins with LOVE of self in harmony with the essence of divine appreciation for the AWARENESS of that which was patiently waiting for you to REMEMBER…..Without doubt.

To remember and appreciate the journey that call forward the remembrance that through the BELIEFS of the co-creative illusion, then births the WANTS. This is the CORE of POVERTY!  There Law of Instantaneous Manifestation can be easily empowered through the adoption of the Self-Ascension I AM trainings/presentations. You can learn to empower the the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation!

To “want” is to declare lack. That which the ego self WANTS is the mirror of that which your density belief system BELIEVES you lack. The activation of the manifestation from the space of lack, thereby anchoring the lateral spin of ever greater lack. Divine satisfaction will all-ways be elusive and regardless of the experience of attainment, it will not ever be enough, nor will it last.

The cycle of wanting begins from the core of poverty and this is the framework that EXPANDS doubt and elevates the energy of beliefs that carry doubt as their essence.

Thee who “controls” the planetary thought body, affects the balance of the creation.

Notice the “who” that is controlling your thought body and then you will notice your balance of creation.  This is the moment to Ascend in to the Fifth dimension and LOVE the planetary thought body without affecting it through unconscious contribution through density involvement.

Master! Arise and anchor outside the illusion to Witness the illusion and thereby LOVE it.

(Click Here to Download the pdf of this Insoulment)


*’The Law of Instantaneous Manifestation’ is a service mark of the Temple of Self-Ascension

[1] Due to the release of the denser energies that have attached to the third dimensional experience through the fear dimension

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The Law of Instantaneous Manifestation(™)

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