Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

The Shield of Archangel Zadkiel 2021 & the VIRUS!

Shield-of-Zadkiel-340x462 (1)

Activating the Illumination of the Shield of Zadkiel


Please first enjoy this letter from Sri & Kira.

The link to the full PDF of the profound discourse from Archangel Zadkiel is just below this sharing.

Beloved Self-Ascension community!

As we all are anchoring in moment of adaptation to Concentric Dimensionality and Spiral time,  we are ALL  illuminating in power-full ways. The gift you are about to engage, came forward the Archangel Zadkiel appeared in FULL FORM and shared the following information after literally “taking” Kira Raa for about 30 minutes
into the Acscended Masters abode at Lake Atitlan, Guatemala for a power-full attunement. 

The moment that our planet has now arrived into is calling us ALL to greater presence.  We honor that this discourse needed to be delivered in the way we were asked to do so.  As you will read  below, a day of integration is needed prior to the final integration.

We love you dearly! We are GRATE-FULL for your Sincerity, Love and Presence!  With great love and Many Blessings of Self-Ascension, Sri & Kira

The Shield of Archangel Zadkiel: Unveiling the Moment of Power!
Archangel Zadkiel through Master Lady Kira Raa

DOWNLOAD, PRINT and ABSORB this  UNLOCKED 2021 Re-Release!



Looking for just the graphic of the Shield of Zadkiel?  Click Here



2 Responses

  1. I have printed 100 4×6 photos of the Shield of Zadkhiel and wrote on the back of the photo YOU ARE INVITED to
    Where do I send my photo of me handing out these photos?
    People love the SHIELD.

    NOTE: If you go to Walgreens Drug photos processing 100 for $12..

    Midge Woods.

    1. Namaste!

      Thank you for inviting many people to lift! Please send your photos to Sue at the TOSA Office. support at

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The Shield of Archangel Zadkiel 2021 & the VIRUS!

Shield-of-Zadkiel-340x462 (1)

2 Responses

  1. I have printed 100 4×6 photos of the Shield of Zadkhiel and wrote on the back of the photo YOU ARE INVITED to
    Where do I send my photo of me handing out these photos?
    People love the SHIELD.

    NOTE: If you go to Walgreens Drug photos processing 100 for $12..

    Midge Woods.

    1. Namaste!

      Thank you for inviting many people to lift! Please send your photos to Sue at the TOSA Office. support at

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