Ascended Numerology Forecast for May 2022
By Master Lady Kira Raa
Ascended Numerology works with ALL of the principles of nature in harmonic combination with Sacred Geometry and an ancient form of Arithmancy, (a system that assigns numerical values to letters). This sacred formula opens the gateway of the Ascension vibration as Miracles in Action through the conscious connection with the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation. Ascended Numerology assists the Soul’s evolution into full Mastery while in form.
May 2022 = 11 Prime + 0
The Double Prime energy, (May 2022 is 11 and May is 5), as the MIRROR of Truth is a profound amplifier of the momentum of 2022! May 2022 as the Prime number 11, plus the infinite presence influence, is up-leveled through the May energy of the Five prime.
What does all this mean??
“Primary energy is an attribute of mastery that is yours to claim as resurrection. To connect back with the blue energy that birthed the cellular patterns of the genetic blueprints of DNA for the human form so many eons ago. Primary energy was with Gaia at the original seeding of this world experience of potentiality… where all the blueprints ignited. Primary energy often feels uncomfortable with density … it seeks reunion. And…for those awake to the energy, deep within their heart is the humility and understanding of the profound gift of presence: surrendering into the responsibility and active presence of the Code of the Soul in motion!”
…The Essene Brethren
The mirror of divine harmony is the key! For those who are living within the paradigms of that which was…the double prime amplification will solidify positionality and support a sense of stability through them.
And…for those who are aware and awake to the blessing of facing TRUTH as the activator for Peace, Love and Joy…it is the optimum moment to Stop seeking and Start Receiving! The catch is your commitment to the TRUTH of that which brings you the greatest joy and inspiration.
Hiding behind false beliefs no longer serves the Master YOU ARE. The divine love of the universe is infinitely showering you with gifts to harvest! This bounty is unable to be fully discovered and utilized until YOU off the gift of reverence and REUNION with YOUR Divine Mastery Presence.
Eleven as the One and the One stand beside each other…equally! A moment of perfect balance of ALL that is yours to command through awakened presence as service in motion. Say YES! Invite your heart to lead and those who also share your dreams, ideas and visions will emerge.
Time to open to your greater potential by calling those dreams into your day to day life experience.
May = 5 Prime
The Double Prime of May 2022, Mirrors as the Flowing River of Creation
Mercury is saying hello again in May as part of this double prime experience. As this energy gently builds from the first to the tenth when the retrograde begins, invite the gift of BALANCE into your life.
Breathe in your divine nature and notice the ease with which you are able to create and call forth exactly what you are needing to support the greater vision at hand. The flowing cosmos of divine service is NOW yours to command into Action AS the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation.
This double prime amplification is a wondrous moment! The TRUTH IS REVEALED as this energy is filled with illumination. Every-thing and every-ONE will be radiantly visible! May your joy be in the discovery of this visibility as an aspect of your steadfast commitment, focused awareness and complete trust!
This visibility is the blessing for ALL as it invites a deep inward gaze at the truths that are amplifying around you as the deceptions fade away! A moment to breathe…deeper…relaxing and saying YES to a life free from pain, chaos and doubt.
This is yours to claim!
May Integration Practice:
Stabilizing Ascended Mastery Presence AS the Five-Pointed Star
“Within the energy of the Five-Pointed star there is neither separation or judgement. There is only unification, understanding and cosmic upliftment.” …The Blue Starborn through MLKR
Invite your-self to stand with your feet shoulder width and firmly on the ground. Optimally stand barefoot on the ground when possible.
Holding your arms open straight out from the side, you BECOME and remember your-self as the Five-Pointed Star.
The five points are the illuminated presence of YOU. Your legs are the lower two points and your arms the upper two. Your head is the top or the fifth point. The ignition of the eternal Mastery Presence as the unified field of consciously awakened presence in motion as the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation.
May Ascension Up-level Dates:
The 2022 Energy Flow of Creation as the Merkabah of Ascended Presence has now anchored. This expansion is beyond the brain of this world and welcomed through full acceptance of that, which I… AM. May up-level dates are especially noteworthy as the Mercury Retrograde mirrors the Full Moon lunar eclipse energy…yet another AMPLIFIER.
In-joy LIVE updates weekly, Sundays 12pm ET: YouTube/OfficialSriandKira.
May 10, 2022: 12, Mercury Retrograde Begins
May 16, 2022: 12 (6 + 6), Full Beauty Moon Lunar Eclipse
May 30, 2022: 8, Illuminated New Moon
May 2022 Ascended Numerology Physical Body Ascension Energy:
The Code of the Soul is one with physical form. Sharing the Sacred Union of body and spirit. This illuminating presence ever-patiently experiences the depth of your “formed” experience. As the energy of the month is revealed, Ascended Numerology affects the physical body experience of the monthly energy sequencing.
The April physical body experience called forward the activation of the Mercury Retrograde pre-phase as the BE-ingness and PEACE of KNOWING that our Divine Mastery Presence is guiding. Humanity is, indeed, in loving preparation to…again…restore and return to the High Heart as the energy that welcomes May and here we are!
The dynamic energy of May is a balance of Conscious Awareness of the magnitude of the amplification as the truth reveals in contrast/harmony with the Unconscious awareness of this massive amplified experience.
The physical body is working with only two chakras of this form. The second chakra as CREATION IN BALANCE and the Fifth Chakra as the TRUTH revealed through conscious awareness. Time to get clear…are you comfortable living and speaking your truth?
It is both the 12 and the 5 that as double primes amplify direct Mastery ability to connect with the higher realms and RECEIVE the inspired insights of your eternal nature. Clarity and trust go hand in hand as the Divine energy of the left side supports the Lotus Chakra to carry you into a depth of connection that is stunning and productive.
Once again the month leaves us at the eight…the moment of spinning with the infinite as we say YES to the alchemical processes of transformation with Peace, Love and Joy.