Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Ascended Numerology for August

Ascended Numerology Forecast for August 2022
By Master Lady Kira Raa

…please reference ANCHARTAUGUST2022
Ascended Numerology works with ALL of the principles of nature in harmonic combination with Sacred Geometry and an ancient form of Arithmancy, (a system that assigns numerical values to letters). This sacred formula opens the gateway of the Ascension vibration as Miracles in Action through the conscious connection with the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation. Ascended Numerology assists the Soul’s evolution into full Mastery while in form.

August 2022 = 10 + Infinite

August 2022 is a month that can quickly and easily “take your breath away” for all too many reasons! What is most notable is that we will ALL return to where we began. We dive into this moment KNOWING that balance is the key and feeling the energy of momentum as the Lion’s gate amplification quickly brings the reminder of our eternal presence forward.

AND! The BOUNTY of this month can be daunting. The full moon arises with a reminder that truth is truth…period. You cannot hide forever and the CHOICE is to say YES to the truth of YOU without hesitancy.

IT IS…the infinite presence in August… as the ONE reunifies with the mastery soul essence… inviting the leap of self-trust into the upward spiral of ascended presence. The place where the cross of perfect balance holds the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation for YOU to command!

August = 4
The Still Center of Perfect Balance as the Equilateral cross

Balance is beyond the illusion. Saying YES to YOU and stepping into the center of the equilateral cross calls forward the window of opportunity to claim harmony in ALL aspects of your life. There is a catch…simply that to anchor this gift merely requires that it be approached with sincerity.

Consciously claiming this energy into this moment of potentiality, means peace, love, and joy, are yours to navigate effort-lessly.

Remember! As you try to Push/pull, your situation will fall out of balance quickly. AND…as the master you are…it is also yours to quickly re-gain with the ever-refining smile of recognition of the blessing of imbalance outside of all judgement.

August Integration Practice:
The 3-step Perfect Balance Checklist

CHOICE and Balance are radiant in August! As YOU fully claim the energy of the four, relax deeper into your self-trust and claim full transparency with the self. Then…as you open your heart wider…notice the three aspects of balance and carefully determine their alignment with the 3-step Perfect Balance Checklist.

Item Number One: Is your Physical body expressing pain? If the answer is yes, then you are out of balance. The brain will often do its best to deceive you. Smile and remember that the body is an honest expression of the divine energy working through your life experience… now.

Item Number Two: Is your mind is creating images, experiences, or energies that disrupt your ability to create and harness joy in ALL you do? A physical body in pain will trigger the mind. Many live with creative labels that assist the mind to compensate for number one of the checklist. Some call it depression, others anxiety or fear. This experience is tied into the first experience.

Item Number Three: Do You feel un-supported? This is beyond the brain feeling non-supported. The item is noticing the manifestation of lack of support. The areas this affects are: Financial, Personal, Professional, Familial, and ALL else.

The gift of noticing that you may have drifted from the experience of perfect balance offer the discovery of the unintentional assistance for the disintegration of your harmonic vibration as a being of divine energy.

As your heart resides in divine integrity, embrace the checklist and take INSPIRED action!

To “reverse” the above simply view the checklist in the opposite.
• Instead of pain in the body, see yourself in-joying vibrant health.
• Rather than be challenged by the mind, invite your-self to welcome ALL opportunities and the value of the gifts they reveal.
• Release feeling unsupported! Simply allow every-thing to come forward in ways that the mind would limit.
• Take inspired action… now… to unfold this gift and blossom.

August Ascension Up-level Dates:
August will RETURN ALL to where they BEGAN. It will be the journey that determines the “who” that arrives ready for the awareness of September.
A huge moment for ALL humanity as together we dive deeply into the Choice before us! In-joy LIVE updates weekly, Sundays 12pm ET: YouTube/OfficialSriandKira.

August 08, 2022: Lion’s Gate Amplification: 5
August 11, 2022: FULL BOUNTY MOON: 5
August 20, 2022: Mercury Retrograde Pre-Phase Begins: 10
August 22, 2022 Pre-Phase anchor energy: 8
August 27, 2022: Illuminated New Moon 4

August 2022 Ascended Numerology Physical Body Ascension Energy:
The Code of the Soul is one with physical form. Sharing the Sacred Union of body and spirit. This illuminating presence ever-patiently experiences the depth of your “formed” experience. As the energy of the month is revealed, Ascended Numerology affects the physical body experience of the monthly energy sequencing.

Remember that YOU DESERVE…because…YOU WERE BORN! The physical body of form is being invited into the divine dance of Safety and Peace or Fear and Chaos. IT IS…that simple and yet our mind of form, (with the 8/22 mercury pre-phase 8 energy), will be challenged if your truth is hidden.

A strong month of choice, the body will try to act out if the mind is in control. The Lion’s gate amplification on 8/8 is a beacon of truth! For those are hiding either from others or themselves, this energy will be extremely uncomfortable as the throat chakra is ruled by truth and the expression of that truth is additionally amplified at the Full Bounty moon…yet another truth moment and they are back-to-back. Sustaining your truth in the body invites great freedom and/or great fear!

Creating through balance calls forward a month of inward reflection coupled with the outer expression of truth! Nourish YOU! Take that great bath, light those candles, pour a glass of wine or tea and say YES to you with greater presence.

ALL illuminates on the fourth and the ride will be worth it …just remember to take care of YOU and focus upon creative balance.

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Ascended Numerology for August


Ascended Numerology Forecast for August 2022
By Master Lady Kira Raa

…please reference ANCHARTAUGUST2022
Ascended Numerology works with ALL of the principles of nature in harmonic combination with Sacred Geometry and an ancient form of Arithmancy, (a system that assigns numerical values to letters). This sacred formula opens the gateway of the Ascension vibration as Miracles in Action through the conscious connection with the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation. Ascended Numerology assists the Soul’s evolution into full Mastery while in form.

August 2022 = 10 + Infinite

August 2022 is a month that can quickly and easily “take your breath away” for all too many reasons! What is most notable is that we will ALL return to where we began. We dive into this moment KNOWING that balance is the key and feeling the energy of momentum as the Lion’s gate amplification quickly brings the reminder of our eternal presence forward.

AND! The BOUNTY of this month can be daunting. The full moon arises with a reminder that truth is truth…period. You cannot hide forever and the CHOICE is to say YES to the truth of YOU without hesitancy.

IT IS…the infinite presence in August… as the ONE reunifies with the mastery soul essence… inviting the leap of self-trust into the upward spiral of ascended presence. The place where the cross of perfect balance holds the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation for YOU to command!

August = 4
The Still Center of Perfect Balance as the Equilateral cross

Balance is beyond the illusion. Saying YES to YOU and stepping into the center of the equilateral cross calls forward the window of opportunity to claim harmony in ALL aspects of your life. There is a catch…simply that to anchor this gift merely requires that it be approached with sincerity.

Consciously claiming this energy into this moment of potentiality, means peace, love, and joy, are yours to navigate effort-lessly.

Remember! As you try to Push/pull, your situation will fall out of balance quickly. AND…as the master you are…it is also yours to quickly re-gain with the ever-refining smile of recognition of the blessing of imbalance outside of all judgement.

August Integration Practice:
The 3-step Perfect Balance Checklist

CHOICE and Balance are radiant in August! As YOU fully claim the energy of the four, relax deeper into your self-trust and claim full transparency with the self. Then…as you open your heart wider…notice the three aspects of balance and carefully determine their alignment with the 3-step Perfect Balance Checklist.

Item Number One: Is your Physical body expressing pain? If the answer is yes, then you are out of balance. The brain will often do its best to deceive you. Smile and remember that the body is an honest expression of the divine energy working through your life experience… now.

Item Number Two: Is your mind is creating images, experiences, or energies that disrupt your ability to create and harness joy in ALL you do? A physical body in pain will trigger the mind. Many live with creative labels that assist the mind to compensate for number one of the checklist. Some call it depression, others anxiety or fear. This experience is tied into the first experience.

Item Number Three: Do You feel un-supported? This is beyond the brain feeling non-supported. The item is noticing the manifestation of lack of support. The areas this affects are: Financial, Personal, Professional, Familial, and ALL else.

The gift of noticing that you may have drifted from the experience of perfect balance offer the discovery of the unintentional assistance for the disintegration of your harmonic vibration as a being of divine energy.

As your heart resides in divine integrity, embrace the checklist and take INSPIRED action!

To “reverse” the above simply view the checklist in the opposite.
• Instead of pain in the body, see yourself in-joying vibrant health.
• Rather than be challenged by the mind, invite your-self to welcome ALL opportunities and the value of the gifts they reveal.
• Release feeling unsupported! Simply allow every-thing to come forward in ways that the mind would limit.
• Take inspired action… now… to unfold this gift and blossom.

August Ascension Up-level Dates:
August will RETURN ALL to where they BEGAN. It will be the journey that determines the “who” that arrives ready for the awareness of September.
A huge moment for ALL humanity as together we dive deeply into the Choice before us! In-joy LIVE updates weekly, Sundays 12pm ET: YouTube/OfficialSriandKira.

August 08, 2022: Lion’s Gate Amplification: 5
August 11, 2022: FULL BOUNTY MOON: 5
August 20, 2022: Mercury Retrograde Pre-Phase Begins: 10
August 22, 2022 Pre-Phase anchor energy: 8
August 27, 2022: Illuminated New Moon 4

August 2022 Ascended Numerology Physical Body Ascension Energy:
The Code of the Soul is one with physical form. Sharing the Sacred Union of body and spirit. This illuminating presence ever-patiently experiences the depth of your “formed” experience. As the energy of the month is revealed, Ascended Numerology affects the physical body experience of the monthly energy sequencing.

Remember that YOU DESERVE…because…YOU WERE BORN! The physical body of form is being invited into the divine dance of Safety and Peace or Fear and Chaos. IT IS…that simple and yet our mind of form, (with the 8/22 mercury pre-phase 8 energy), will be challenged if your truth is hidden.

A strong month of choice, the body will try to act out if the mind is in control. The Lion’s gate amplification on 8/8 is a beacon of truth! For those are hiding either from others or themselves, this energy will be extremely uncomfortable as the throat chakra is ruled by truth and the expression of that truth is additionally amplified at the Full Bounty moon…yet another truth moment and they are back-to-back. Sustaining your truth in the body invites great freedom and/or great fear!

Creating through balance calls forward a month of inward reflection coupled with the outer expression of truth! Nourish YOU! Take that great bath, light those candles, pour a glass of wine or tea and say YES to you with greater presence.

ALL illuminates on the fourth and the ride will be worth it …just remember to take care of YOU and focus upon creative balance.

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