Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Ascended Numerology Forecast for September 2024 through Master Lady Kira Raa


Ascended Numerology, through the Sacred Sequence of Incarnation, integrates ALL the elements. This harmonic combination of Sacred Geometry with an ancient form of Arithmancy, (a system that assigns numerical values to letters), opens the gateway of Ascension vibration through the proper application of the ancient formulas. The moment YOU remember your-self as a Miracle in Action. The conscious connection with the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation assisting your Divine Mastery Presence as the Yoga of Self-Ascension IN-formed Awareness.

September 2024 = 5 Prime + Infinite
Spinning the Wheels of Eternal Time!
Stepping into the Field of Creation IT-Self!

Smile and bring a hand to your heart. Lovingly notice your breath. The imminence of the moment is at hand. The depth of your soul is screaming, and YOU ARE… hearing!
The flowing eternal presence is HERE for ALL! A moment that will carry forward with a nearly surreal overlay for those ready to: Notice what you are Noticing.

Arriving into this field of potentiality as Saturn shifts into opposition, this unique REWIND moment is filled with support. The unlimited resource of universal wisdom is yours to harvest as EVERY-thing is ready to BE…remembered into its highest expression of form.

We have arrived! The meteor activity has carried us into the shimmering streams of conscious visioning! The place where all possibilities exist. AND!
The awareness that they are yours to re-claim.
Knowing that if you have ever dreamed it or thought it, you have accomplished it!

The remembrance that the proximity of your success/failure is merely a state of conscious awareness. September is here to bring it ALL to YOU.

Our collective fullness of conscious cosmic presence is preparing this field of potentiality for the post Equinox world. The undeniable KNOWING that the flow of eternal wisdom and mastery presence is HERE…and that this moment is for ALL.

This is the month where Awareness is the KEY as the depth of the self-inquiry reveals the blessing of Peace, Love and JOY. The journey may have seemed long…and it is worth it!

September = 6
The Divine Feminine Arrives into the Field as the ESSENCE of Equanimity

Imagine your-self, fully aware and unified within! Knowing that when the essence of all that is considered male, meets in perfect balance with the essence of all that is considered to be female, the birth of that which is TO BE…ARRIVES.

To fully UNIFY into the harmonic frequency of Oneness IT-self.
To be free from the fields of polarization and ready to soar as the IN-Body-ment of the Merkabah.

Simply breathe into that and read it again. The moment at hand is for YOU to KNOW. Relax as you gaze at the Merkabah of the body of form in its Self-Ascended State of Integration. Each of the chakras as a unified field of infinite presence spinning as eternal life activated. To experience the Merkabah IT-self as a beacon through higher aspect geometry. Inviting YOU to sustain the frequencies of the Fifth dimension and far beyond.

Fully integrated, every-thing shifts from the experience of the formed world through opposites, into the KNOWING Of the Peace, Love and JOY of unification.

September Mastery Integration Practice:
I AM …the Energy of Eternal LIFE in FORM

This is the time! The moment to KNOW and CLAIM your enteral nature into this body of form without any sense of Doubt. To open up the channels of your divine presence with conscious awareness is a blessing and a gift!

This simple yet extra-ordinarily power-full practice connects YOU with the depth of your Divine Mastery Presence. The remembrance of your Star Essence as the Five-pointed energy in form.
“Within the energy of the true 5-pointed star there is no separation, no judgement.
There is only the unification, the understanding, and your cosmic upliftment”
…The Blue Starborn through Master Lady Kira Raa

Begin by standing with your feet at shoulder width and your arms straight out. Optimally try this barefoot standing on the Earth. As you stand with presence and fully in-body the support that is yours to reclaim…become and remember yourself as the Five-Pointed Star!

Notice your left leg as the first point. Breathe with this knowing and then repeat this with your right leg the second point.
Feeling the gift of upliftment…bring your attention and breathe again as you connect with your left arm as the third point of the star you are!
Repeat this with your right arm and receive the gift of upliftment.

As you lift the energy of support to your crown chakra, IT IS…Your head that becomes the top of the star…the fifth point and the ignition of Conscious Awareness.

Deeply dive into your heart center as it becomes the radiance of the illumination of your Full Star presence. Breathe deeply and experience Unification.

September Ascension Up-level Dates:
Giving ourselves a lifeline the wheel of this months moments are complete and in perfect balance. The infinite is revealing that we can remember ourselves without doubt. And a reminder to stay in the field of consciousness outside of the battle of the brain and the body! Get the LIVE Expanded Monthly Revelations w/ LIVE Q&A…First Sunday monthly.
Noon ET: YouTube/OfficialSriandKira.

September = 6 2024 = 8 + Infinite September 2024 = 5 + Infinite
September 02, 2024: 12 as the 6+6 – Eternal Life New Moon
September 07, 2024: 8 – Saturn Opposition
September 12, 2024: 6 – Mercury Retrograde Post Phase completes
September 17, 2024: 4 – Transforming Full Moon of Infinite Awareness
September 22, 2024: 3 + Infinite – The Equinox of Eternal Wisdom

September 2024 Ascended Numerology Physical Body Ascension Energy:
The Code of the Soul is one with physical form as called into form through the Sacred Sequence of Incarnation. Through Sacred Union of the body & spirit, this illuminating presence ever-patiently experiences the depth of your “in-formed” experience. Ascended Numerology has a profound affect upon the physical body experience as part of the monthly energy sequencing. Gaze at the physical body chart. Release any need to “understand”. TRUST that YOU KNOW!

As the Equinox energy is pulling your body into the essence of unification it is without surprise that your lifeline is the second chakra! Playing a key role during this month consider the power of ALL CREATION is asking: Are you ready to command me?

Notice everything in the area of your second chakra and as you do, then call forward the cosmic vision of ALL THAT YOU ARE into your life. This month is all about not holding back. On being the gift that is consciously aware of it-self

That being said, pay close attention to the mind. As the body responds to the September energy, it will be doing its best to call you from the center. The mind will be doing its best to engage as the body will be trying to equally get your attention.

The gift of this apparent power struggle is the center of your creation. The steadfast commitment, focused awareness and complete trust in your Divine Nature as the commander. Birthing your greatest vision into its beauty-full and eternal form, right here…right now!

Congratulations! You made it!

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Ascended Numerology Forecast for September 2024 through Master Lady Kira Raa


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