through Master Lady Kira Raa
Ascended Numerology, through the Sacred Sequence of Incarnation, integrates ALL the elements. This harmonic combination of Sacred Geometry with an ancient form of Arithmancy, (a system that assigns numerical values to letters), opens the gateway of Ascension vibration through the proper application of the ancient formulas. The moment YOU remember your-self as a Miracle in Action. The conscious connection with the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation assisting your Divine Mastery Presence as the Yoga of Self-Ascension IN-formed Awareness.
October 2024 = 9 Prime + Infinite
ALL that is held as sacred AMPLIFIES
Breathing Eternal Life into the Unified Field
Experience IT-self is spiraling and you will either feel the spiral … or not. Regardless, the spin is lofty and uniformly affecting all. The September Awareness that poured into your field of manifestation, has called forward this moment of Experience. An inbreath as much as an outbreath. A moment of well-deserved celebration of the success before YOU…as the evolving next steps rapidly appear.
The question before the self is:
Am I aware of the unification that is before me?
This is the energy field of eternal life it-self. Revealing IT-self from a long slumber and ready to experience the depth of this life in this form. Every-ONE and Every-THING is amplifying!
October = 10
Mastery Manifested!
Reflecting the Unified Field of Conscious Awareness into Form
YOU ARE…the beacon and the ONE. The momentum of October is the motion of the spiral as it supports all things sacred. The reminder that ultimately all energy is neutral. To remember through the seventh dimensional field of non-judgement, that the sacred is in the eye of the beholder.
To smile with the gift of sincerity, love and presence, that this specific moment of unification is inviting all eyes/I’s to open beyond the limitations. To smile with the gift of consciously breathing and knowing.
Mastery is Manifesting NOW. The Unified Field of Conscious Awareness is supporting ALL That YOU ARE and have ever been to fully come forward and flourish. The simple reminder…if not now, when…is before ALL…again. A time to smile and celebrate the experience that will call forward the November Choice!
October Mastery Integration Practice:
The Infinite Avesa heartbeat
Sit or lie down as you relax and invite your-self to feel the flow of relaxing. The eternal movement of the universe that is ever present and ever sustaining. Experience the witnessing of your-self as if floating with this moment, rather than being affected by it.
The still center where your SPIRIT UNIFIES as the energy of the Spiritual master, consciously aware, in this body of form. Spiritually detached, yet fully aware and Consciously EXPERIENCING this moment through the lens/filter that manifests into your field as sacred.
The RADIANCE of the universal heartbeat of AVESA.
Remembering Ave as the humility of the acknowledgment of the divine. To feel the depth of your eternal heart with each conscious inhale. To exhale the totality of the infinite unknown through the Saaaa. Ave and Saaaa. The Freedom of breathing freely!
…please insert graphic Avesa Symbol Water …
Caption: The Avesa symbol is the reflection of the Universal heartbeat beyond perception. The limit-less nature of ALL that YOU ARE as I AM. When offered to the water through scientist Veda Austin, the water returned the message you see here.
Relax and breathe up through the nose with AVE and exhale Saaaa with a smile. Rhythmically continue breathing with Avesa and notice as you go beyond the perceptual filters that seek to limit.
Arriving into the meditative gift that is beyond the fear, doubt and hesitancy claim the KNOWING by declaring:
October Ascension Up-level Dates:
Unified and strong, the energy of October is filled with all that blooms! The blossom of the lotus is ever more precious because it rose through the mud. All that may have been judged suddenly makes sense in the moment of the blooming Lotus. Imagine how beauty-full that truly is as we ALL bloom in October. Tune in for Expanded Revelations w/ LIVE Q&A…
First Sunday monthly. Noon ET: YouTube/OfficialSriandKira.
October = 10 2024 = 8 + Infinite October 2024 = 9 Prime + Infinite
October 02, 2024: 7 – RING OF FIRE Alchemical New Moon Solar Eclipse
October 09, 2024: 12 – Jupiter Retrograde
October 17, 2024: 8 – The LOTUS BLOSSOM Full Moon
October 31, 2024: 3 + Infinite CAUTION! Spirit Amplification Portal
October 2024 Ascended Numerology Physical Body Ascension Energy:
The Code of the Soul is one with physical form as called into form through the Sacred Sequence of Incarnation. Through Sacred Union of the body & spirit, this illuminating presence ever-patiently experiences the depth of your “in-formed” experience. Ascended Numerology has a profound affect upon the physical body experience as part of the monthly energy sequencing. Gaze at the physical body chart. Release any need to “understand”. TRUST that YOU KNOW!
I AM the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation is the ESSENCE of the bodily experience of October. A month that is inviting YOU to trust your intuitive nature as the physical body relaxes into a deeper sense of relaxation.
Pay attention to your center…the CORE of ALL that you are. This begins with the third chakra and all things in the stomach area. And…it does beyond that. The high heart is inviting the body to let go of any and all resistance to relaxing into the TRUST that the universe has your back.
The lotus chakra is literally blooming its most beauty-full blossoms. Pay attention to your inspiration as it will directly be tied into your ability to manifest virtually any-thing into form. The key! TRUST YOURSELF and let the mind go on vacation.
You deserve to have it ALL. The moment is here to discover the gateway and walk through with ever greater Peace, Love and Joy!