Welcome BE-Loved ONE! The moment of your Divine in-power-ment is rising from within like a flower opening with the morning sun. A magical unfolding that has in all-ways been with thee and within thee. This moment is unique in that it is the first time it has revealed it-self in this form. What does that mean? That YOU have all-ready entered the fields of creation that are waiting for you to open your eyes and command them. Imagine your capacity to create. To call forward any-thing YOU would ever want into this world of form. YOU ARE that power-full and YOU ARE the commander of this creation.
What is magic?
So many words and so many meanings. Often the energy of the word it-self is created through the belief systems that surround it. What if you can let go of that which would seek to keep you trapped and transform that energy into creation and awareness? The rare gift that invites you to clearly see the creation energy through open eyes of self-love.
Magic begins when we first accept and invite our-self to simply witness every-thing that is unfolding around us. Magic is the gift that keeps on giving as its capacity to shift any-thing is vast and ever present. Magic is indeed real when we relax into our Divine Nature through the presence and grace of witnessing. Witnessing begins the moment you are able to comfortably gaze into the mirror of your life journey and injoy ALL that you see! The complete release of judgement into the fields of forgiveness that begin with the self. It is within these fields that witnessing becomes the guide as the guidance flows through YOU.
Through the kindness of forgiveness of the self ALL Actions restore into a balance. The pendulum that swings mightily between the spirit and the emotions settles into gentleness that opens the window to command the moments through witnessing them with the blessing of self-love.Beyond the egoic presence, this is the love that is Actively present and ever-emerging. YOU ARE the living field of emergence and that shape shifting energy is continually finding its formed awareness. This formed awareness is continually in motion and awaits your conscious intervention to guide.Learning how to command this field that opens the magic into your life experience, is as simple as your commitment to the awareness of the Five Steps. Igniting and sustaining the creation field through these steps invites YOU into the magic of Divine and unlimited abundance. Through harnessing the magic within you become the walking energy of the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation.
It has all-ways been there and is simply waiting for you to pick up your magic wand and begin conducting your personal orchestra of illumination and creation.
Each of these steps oSers a depth of awareness and understanding while calling forward your greater mastery presence through the gift of acceptance of self and the action to sustain your highest potentiality through the magic of your I AM as YOU ARE nature. Bringing a hand to your heart, as you explore each step remember that once you connect with them the energy begins to weave and the creation will quickly unfold. After all it is your magic!
It all begins with Authenticity and Vital Energy. This is the first step. Authenticity is a way of life. An experience of living that is beyond the need for drama and illusion. Authenticity RESTORES Vitality! This happens as you expand your paradigms of interaction with literally every-thing. Smile and expand beyond that which would seek to keep you stuck in the patterns and ways that have held you in an ever-repeating cycle. Consciously invite your-self to express in fresh and exciting ways that are authentically yours. And as you do, witness the expanded communications that are beyond words and reveal the greater unfolding of your life.
To claim authenticity is the foundation and the first key. To gift your-self with the infusion of VITAL energy as a river of creation is pure magic. The flow that oSers every-thing else the support to BE. As the vital energy of Authenticity flows freely, the second key emerges. Benevolent Wisdom!
This is a crucial moment in the keys. Benevolent wisdom is the energetic flow that relaxes into Trusting the unfolding of ALL events in your life. To trust is the love at a depth that is pure magic. Trust and love are the same energy. When we invite and allow our-selves to trust every-thing despite the appearance of what may be perceived as negative, we expand into mastery and discover solutions through benevolent
wisdom. This magic releases the veil of doubt that clouds your connection with your ability to command creation into form. Benevolent Wisdom re-cognizes the Divine in ALL! It is a positive force that invites ALL of YOU to in-power the vehicle of trust through the magic of wisdom. Your wisdom.
Notice when any-thing less than Benevolent Wisdom seeks to steal your joy. If the mind is playing games with your success, then it is time to command your benevolent wisdom into form as you TRUST your-self ever more through the magic of your awareness. Through the weaving of Authenticity and Benevolent Wisdom the third key soars into its active presence as the stability and foundation to continue.
The third key is to remain within your Source Potentiality. What does that mean? Source Potentiality is the field of pure creation. Beyond the manipulation of a mind of form or the emotional body, IT IS…the holding of the simple truth: I AM…as YOU ARE.
The consciousness of Unification that uniquely opened into this field of creation with the entry of the 2025 linear year. Our divine creation of this field of human experience has arrived into the center of a field that is ever expanding and moving quickly.
Imagine in this very moment, a world where with every breath you hold the presence and see the highest potential for all! Carrying the solutions for every-thing through the lifting of conscious awareness into the
Source potentiality of true magic. The ability to call forward the dreams of ALL through the unfolding of your dreams into this field of creation.
Mastering the first three steps of the Magic of creation in this form, your mastery presence becomes ready to dive deeply into the fourth step. Primary energy awareness.
Through Primary energy awareness the senses relax as your mastery presence gazes at the question:
What am I really dedicated to?
This question reveals answers that are broad and vast. Every-thing and Any-thing that is large in your life experience is what you are dedicated to. This is beyond the mind wanting to call forward a specific goal. The witnessing of what your life has been dedicated to assists you to navigate the magic as the commander.
To dive into primary energy awareness invites you to pay deep attention to the primary energies of this specific human experience. Primary energies are the “lower frequencies” that are the sea of this form we all navigate. Pay attention to when and how Jealousy, Greed, and competition arise in your thoughts and actions. These are the primary energies that support chaos, poverty, ill health, doubt, hesitancy, and fear. Noticing when and how these energies arrive into your life invites your Primary energy awareness to discover the solutions that free you from their control. Arriving at the mastery of YOU through your command of the first four keys of your magic, the fifth key reveals. The discovery of your ability to be the CONSCIOUS guide. To BE the guide of the energies that are manifesting around you. To soar with JOY and the loving acceptance of YOU is the marker along the pathway. Each torch illuminating your journey with ever greater magic and clarity.
The magical moment where you arrive into consciously commanding the magic as BOTH the guide and the guidance to emerge. Together they serve as the loving reminders that you are not ever alone, and you are most power-full. As humanity expands and your life shifts, the five keys are yours to command. YOU ARE the MASTER, and
YOU ARE the ONE. Capable and with capacities to weave the magic into the life of your dreams.