Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Ascended Numerology Forecast for January 2025 through Master Lady Kira Raa

ANChart_January_2025Last used by the Magi of this time, Ascended Numerology, through the Sacred Sequence of Incarnation, integrates ALL the elements. Integrating the usage of the infinite, this harmonic combination of Sacred Geometry and an ancient form of Arithmancy, (a system that assigns numerical values to letters), opens the gateway of Self-Ascended vibration. This is accomplished through the application of the ancient formulas as guided by the masters. IT IS…the moment YOU remember your-self as a Miracle in Action.  The conscious connection with the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation supporting your Divine Mastery Presence. The living essence of the Yoga of Self-Ascension as IN-formed Awareness. 

January = 4    January 2025 = 4 + Infinite  

Divine Emergence in Motion

Experience the Whirlwind through AWARENESS

What happens when every-thing you ever dreamed of unfolds before you?

Sincerely! In this moment, invite a nourishing breath, sit back and BE with the question: What happens when every-thing I ever dreamed of arrives?  When ever-thing that you have asked for is laid at your feet…what will YOU do?
This is a seemingly direct question, yet it carries many subtle nuances. And IT IS…the nuances that will direct the currents of January. The greatest of these nuances is the re-solution of ALL that has ever held you back and ALL that would seek to steal your Peace, Love and JOY!
January is standing as the mirror of the two faces. Made of the same cloth yet two very different suits. ONE In the essence of the universe and TWO in the expansive collective experience of Conscious IN-formed Awareness.
As you gaze at the chart for January there is a stark difference that is clearly two-sided.  January 2025 will initiate the greatest experience of two-sidedness ever witnessed or manifested in this potentiality. That is quite extra-ordinary and a challenge for mastery.
Rising thought the “two-sidedness” is the BLESSING OF the tide of Consciousness. We jumped on this surfboard November 1, 2024 and road that wave through and to the New Year moment!  The transition from December 2024 to January 2025, will be the crashing of the wave onto a new shore.  Arriving with every-thing you ever dreamed of, WHO is here to call forward the passinate action of the creation?


You are ready and you are HERE.  Let go of any-thing that has tried to stop you and invite that which is the support YOU through the weaving of the dream. Dance, Sing, Celebrate and KNOW…the January 2025 moment is a deep dive into YOU.
Ready to fly? Then this is your moment and get those wings ready. And if any-thing in you is hesitant find the smile within that is ready to blossom as you remember your-self and discover your limit-less potential once more.

January 2025 Integration Practice:

Lifting into the Lotus Chakra

Gazing at the Self-Ascended Chakra portrait notice that the chakras are all shown in the transcended state of Ascended presence.  The first infinite symbol at the bottom is the first chakra and these chakras are ignited all the way to the Lotus Chakra with is the Eight Chakra above the head.
Lifting into the Lotus Chakra is the journey of January and the “Miracle” that has arisen because of the polarity! An amazing gift for ALL!
Optimally find a sacred space in nature and relax into comfort.  You can be standing, sitting or lying down. The gift is to be comfortable and to notice that your breath is easy and spacious.
Focusing on something that invokes beauty or closing your eyes, call forward the energy of pure love!  Invite that energy to simple relax into all that you are as your breath relaxes ever more.
Focusing ALL of that love on your first chakra invite that chakra to release its orbital hold upon this habitual world and to freely and lovingly relax into its infinite nature as shown on the Self-Ascended Chakra portrait.
As you complete this process with the first chakra, continue with the same process for ALL of the chakras as you move UP and LIFT into the Lotus Chakra.
After you complete the eighth chakra notice the ever-refining spiral of consciousness begin to spiral with ALL of your chakras in the ascended state as the Merkabah of Light opens your creative state.
Invite your divine mastery presence to guide you into the journey of discovery that is ready and waiting for you to place into ACTION.  

January 2025 Ascension Up-level Dates:

Welcome January 2025 and the Whirlwind that IS Your Divine Emergence in motion!
Mark your calendar and get LIVE Self-Ascension Predictions with Q&A. First Sunday Monthly – Noon ET:  YouTube/OfficialSriandKira.

January = 4     2025 = 9 + Infinite    January 2025 = 4 + Infinite

January 01, 2025: 9 – Humanity’s Sacred Intention

Consciously Ascending INTO the Whirlwind of 2025

January 03, 2025:  11 – Mercury retrograde post-phase of 2024 completes

January 13, 2025:  7 – New Moon of Manifested Potentiality

January 29, 2025: 7 (8+8) The Sustaining CHOICE Full Moon

January 2025 Physical Body Self-Ascension Energy:

Self-Ascension reveals IT-self through The Code of the Soul expressed as physical form.  Sharing the Sacred Union of body and spirit, this illuminating presence ever-patiently experiences the depth of your “In-formed” experience.  Ascended Numerology affects the physical body experience through the monthly energy sequencing and flow. While each date has a sequential impact, the overall energy is flowing throughout the month.  Relax and gaze at the physical body chart while releasing the need to understand. Ignite the trusted smile of KNOWING and receive. Then connect with the text for a deeper experience of the moments that are here.
January 2025 is THE moment that the root chakra of density is inviting you to honestly dive into the self-inquiry:  Am I ready to transcend the base energies of safety, sex and power to LIVE in the essence of Peace, Love and Joy?
IT IS…that simple and it is that complex.  January is sitting in your root chakra challenging the body to BE and FEEL Peace!  Remembering that the month of January is the 4…perfect balance. And! As your body offer any-thing that is less than peace-full, beyond the field of any sense of judgement, look for that which is out of balance.
Beyond the anchoring of the root chakra as the monthly journey, the gift of this anchor is that it will keep your body wonder-fully available to support your endeavors to expand beyond that which you have felt capable or able to call forward.
Focus upon the manifestation of your vision through your high heart and remember that the lotus chakra has emerged as the wild card to pull every-thing together.
Pay attention to your head and all things that may feel like “congestion”.  If they arise, once again gaze first at the balance and then…breathe with conscious awareness as you focus on our first chakra radiating Peace, your second chakra radiating Love and your third chakra radiating JOY!
The stabilization of your Ascended Heart to sustain the MANIFESTATION of your VISION into form!  Welcome January 2025 and the Whirlwind that IS Your Divine Emergence in motion!

I LOVE YOU and honor your unique journey of the Yoga of Self-Ascension,
Master Lady Kira Raa,
The Unified Field of SriRamKaaKiraRaa



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Ascended Numerology Forecast for January 2025 through Master Lady Kira Raa

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