Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Fear or Trust: Notice and L.I.S.T.E.N. Through Master Lady Kira Raa the Unified Field of SriRamKaaKiraRaa

The St. Germaine IT-self shares through MLKR:

BE-Loved ONES of In-formed awareness!

IT IS…from the realms of the vast unknown poured forward into this specific world of form…that we ALL bow before thee! With the collective smile of eternal re-cognition and the abundance of universal co-creation and cooperation, we welcome thee…into this sacred container of celebration, support, and universal love.

Exhaling ever deeper and with conscious awareness, relax into this moment with the depth of the smile that is aware of the celebration in motion. To KNOW that ALL has collectively ignited through the intersection of the rebalance. Thereby having called forward into this most specific Unified field of Divine Mastery Presence a rare blessing indeed.

IT IS…with ever expanding joy… that this expansive awareness of conscious experience is here…now. This energy is continually emerging into this field of expression as the ever-refining spiral. This spiral sustains the Seven Polarities of Freewill as they evolve through this field of potentiality.


As ONE that is navigating this spiral and the seven polarities, you may ask with a depth of sincerity: 

What does this mean? 

This is the question. The invitation to gaze within beyond the fields of judgment as your remember

that at its simplest, it means the energies of Trust and Fear have evolved beyond where

we have ever collectively taken them before. 

As consciousness IT-self ascends through THIS experience of potentiality, most recently experienced through the Ascension escalator of 2015-2021, the Quantum leap was ignited, is now sustained and ready to EXPAND.

This up-level moment of co-creation invites the direct experience of Conscious Awareness into our formed experience. This is the essence of the Yoga of Self-Ascension. To BE the open portal of EXPERIENCE, Consciously AWARE of the ability to SOAR beyond the boundaries of perception IT-self.

Breathe and Exhale deeply. Receive. Smile. Relax.  …Do that again.

AND! Soaring through the momentous experience of linear time, there is MUCH that is received yet remains hidden…until this specific moment of NOW.

As the collective consciousness sustains the frequencies of the Sea of Neutrality, the expansiveness continues.  The dance weaves the essence of the ALL through this co-created miracle.  

IT IS…this miracle that has arrived here… from the depth of the vast unknown into this world of form, as a homing beacon that has ignited…and is HERE…NOW…because YOU ARE READY to REVEAL to the SELF…ALL that has been received. The expansion of consciousness IT-self through this specific timeline as the continuing CELEBRATION!

Your worldly experience of form, through this specific experience of linear time, is entering into a vast expanse of form-less form that is arriving into the proximity of the perceived now.  YES! Another crossroads is opening as the energy of the Chalice GROWS and EXPANDS. Fully formed with the essence of eternal Life and ready to be filled with the gifts of the journey.

Breathe in, smile, and relax any need to remember.

Experience the KNOWING that within this time construct of the perception of recent history, crossroads

moments were strongly present in 1917, 1931, 1942, 1975, 1999, 2013,2107 and 2022.

August 2013 was another crossroads moment. The balance of the collective future of this now experience having been ignited and chosen by ALL of humanity.  This energy increased exponentially into the crossroads moment of 2017. This ALL was integrated with the culminating crossroad of the Ascension Escalator up-level of 2022.

Relax ever more trusting that in this moment your Divine Mastery Presence is HERE…connecting with this sharing as YOU remember…

There exists simultaneously the collective future of this potentiality, AND the eternal expansion of your Divine Mastery Presence in-formed expression.  ALL perceptions of any sense of a future are an exquisite dance. They are part of the illusionary expression. Each of these myriad of futures are yours to journey with. Your divine spark of crystalline light that guides YOU beyond the field of hesitancy.

Of this… YOU… can be assured.

Through the relaxation into the in-body-ment of this divine KNOWING, freedom through this specific experience of form rises as the anchorship of TRUST becomes the foundation.  The moment when the body relaxes into the acceptance of your Divine Mastery Presence as the guiding Active illumination.

This is the moment your heart stabilizes as the root chakra of your ascended state of BEing…as YOU…LISTEN and call forward attentive experience into Passionate Action. The in-bodyment of your Divine Galactic blueprint arrives. The moment where the infinite expression of ALL that I AM remembers IT-self while experiencing this life in formed awarness.


This leads to the questions:

What is it to fully listen within the experience of form?

What is it that seeks to distract ALL with its divine complexity and tapestry of in-sight?

What is the Conscious Experience that invites YOU…To honestly…LISTEN?  To  L.I.S.T.E.N.

LLook …beyond the fields of  judgement, notice what you notice.

IInspire…ALL through the life you are living!

SSit in Stillness … BE the Divine Mastery Presence you seek.

T Think…beyond the limitations of perceptions and beliefs

EEngage Essence…say YES to your true nature beyond doubt.

NNourish…through KNOWING…the comforter of the ego that relaxes it into trust.

As the gift of listening is received through the depth of your awareness of Divine Mastery Presence, the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation anchors. Miracles seemingly appear with greater ease and pace.  A sense of normal evolves as the quantum field magnifies.

This miracle acceptance may feel as if out of place. Remember that within this moment of the density experience, the rapidity with which the 7 Polarities have FULLY ANCHORED can seem at odds through the lens of densified reality. This navigation is a mastery practice of awareness.

Placing a hand to your heart, relax and smile that YOU…ARE HERE…NOW!  Wondrous!  Every-thing that has called YOU forward into this moment, this very sentence, is BEing engaged because YOU… SAID YES! Happily, and Joy-fully!

This is a vital awareness. The 7 polarities of Freewill, in this moment of potentiality, are firmly anchored within the experience of the polarity of Fear or Trust.  Returning your hand to your heart, breathe in deeply as YOU connect with the depth of your eternal smile.

Exhale and Release the fear…more!  Let go of any pre-occupations with future creation. Focus and BE HERE…in this stunning and glorious moment…now!

Soaring in the blessing of this moment, call forward or imagine freedom from the self-imposed container that paralyzes your alchemical abilities.

As the energy of fear is released from the attachment to the cycle of victim consciousness, ALL can begin to see it as the illusion it is.

This is the gift of the NOW Intersection.

The rising awareness of the expansion of consciousness that supports your Divine Mastery Presence. The conscious In-bodyment of I AM…as YOU ARE.  Free from self-sabotage to lovingly and joy-fully sustain the energy of TRUST as the in-body-ment of universal unconditional LOVE.

This moment is ALL about YOU…the MASTER … consciously aware and commanding the body of formed awareness. Or!  The body will act out, as if a child seeking to discover its boundaries. Inviting the ego to make choices in density fear, based upon the frequencies of emotions as the foundation.

This potential for disconnect from Divine Mastery Presence is woven within the expression of the seven polarities. In this realm it finds a welcome partner in the energy of depression.  This is most commonly how the energy arrives at the frequency of the formed moment.

Gazing at the polarities on the chart as an expression of formed awareness, first notice freewill has 7 polarities. Each its own energetic expansionary experience as well as part of a collective energetic team. In this realm of formed experience, all polarity discovers its foundation upon Fear or Trust. This is the intersection that has arisen. Inviting humanity to NOTICE and L.I.S.T.E.N. …NOW.


Are YOU…living/seeing violence and intolerance, or are you living/seeing Ascension Awareness and acceptance? Peace or hate?

Humanity has arrived into this moment of the Ascension Renaissance, IT IS… your TRUTH at the fifth chakra carrying the balance of the Chalice energy that incarnates the momentum of TRUST IT-self into the active presence of the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation.

The YES to the self that reflects the energy of LOVE through Self-trust.

The moment that invites the self-inquiry:

What in ME invited this to BE?

Greed or Love?  Fear or Trust?

YOU ARE…Divine Mastery Presence in form.

IT IS…the moment your conscious awareness has prepared for.

The party is yours to IN-Joy and the dance is weaving a beauty-full flow for ALL.

May your heart dive ever more into the eternal essence of YOU as the blessing of

Peace, Love and JOY opens to L.I.S.T.E.N. and RECEIVE with ever greater KNOWING.


And so it is.

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Fear or Trust: Notice and L.I.S.T.E.N. Through Master Lady Kira Raa the Unified Field of SriRamKaaKiraRaa

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