Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Reply To: Sacred Union, Soul Nourishment, Nothing from the cow

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Monica Dumitriu

Namaste, Sri and Kira and Beloved Miracle Team,

Thank you for sharing your comments and invitation to have further conversation and reflection. After asking this question, I was guided to find the writing on “What is Soul Nourishment?” by Sri and Kira from July 3, 2011. On page 2 it says that “The DNA of cows has been permanently altered due to the unnatural abuse of the animal. Therefore, regardless of how it was raised or fed, genetically one is ingesting fear and abuse from any cow product.”

I am wondering of this is true for ghee products applied as a moisturizer on the skin. I know that the skin is the largest organ on the body. Recently, I have learned about a Detoxification process that uses cow ghee and a three metal bowl to rub the feet and remove toxins from the body.

Many blessings,

Reply To: Sacred Union, Soul Nourishment, Nothing from the cow