Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Reply To: Please help me manifest the miracle of healing a skin irritation/allergy

Home New Forums Manifesting Miracles Please help me manifest the miracle of healing a skin irritation/allergy Reply To: Please help me manifest the miracle of healing a skin irritation/allergy

Melinda Ramsay

Namaste beloved Monnica:

I love hearing your sweet voice in our teleconference classes and on the Miracle Team sessions. Your voice is like a fairy. I send you love and light to support you through this ordeal.
Thank you Kautuk for the suggestion. I will add this to my list of skin remedies and use it when I have a flare up.
My skin is very sensitive and I often have severe acute scalp psoriasis, and shingles in my torso. I can’t use some of the powerful sunscreens out there. So far, I am doing well with the Banana Boat brand.
Last week I harvested gel from my aloe vera plants and applied it to my scalp and face. It was amazing. It cleared all the redness and dry scabs on my scalp. Even the shampoo prescription did not work this rapidly. Aloe vera has 20 amino acids. It is an antioxidants and helps balance your pH.
If you harvest the gel for juicing, you must first drain the stalk for a few minutes to drain the aloin. Otherwise it can give you severe cramps and diarrhea. Here is a link on how to harvest it:

Sending my beloved sister, Monica, all my love and light to help assist her and she transmute this shedding into a blessing.

In love and support,


Reply To: Please help me manifest the miracle of healing a skin irritation/allergy