Welcome to your gathering of Conscious Awareness. The journey that your heart has waited for and is master-fully guided by MLKR. Lovingly and safely in-joy the deep dive into the questions you have waited to answer and are READY to KNOW…NOW.
Who am I … really? What is the point of this lifetime? Do I have any control over my life? Are there limits to my infinite power? Is the FULL realization of my Conscious Awareness possible in this lifetime? YES, IT…IS! You have been looking for a place where you belong. The tribe that exists beyond the fields of judgment or dogma. The safe space where you can BE understood and EXPAND as your authentic self. To remember and KNOW that you are not crazy, and you are alone. Imagine the gift of Interactive LIVE support, Mastery Self-Ascension guidance, and the loving acceptance of Soul family. The place to expand into your Divine Mastery Presence.
This ALL NEW FOR 2025 journey is the deep dive into the mystical secrets of the Yoga of Self-Ascension. You will be gathering during a LIVE ZOOM Meeting with interactive options the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month.
You will learn practices & mystical exercises as we RISE into the Mastery potential of this specific experience of in-formed awareness. 2025 is the whirlwind and as Conscious Awareness anchors, we ignite, illuminate, and EMERGE together with MLKR loving paving the way.
Be nourished and re-filled as you call forward the gift of the Yoga of Self-Ascension through:
• Understand the deeper mystical wisdom, knowledge and sacred teachings from the vastness of this cosmic universe & beyond.
• Learn how to soar through the depth of the self-inquiry, What in me, Invited this to be?
• Travel the cosmos through guided inner journeys and live insoulments
• Profound mentoring, teaching
• Mastery of Self-Ascension practices supporting your Conscious Awareness Mastery
This is the moment to answer your deepest questions and elevate your consciousness. YOU ARE READY to lift beyond all previous limitations.
The moment is NOW. THIS IS the potentiality to BE and LIVE the truth of who we are! Discover the gift of a thriving international community gathering from every continent as the supportive container to hold the GIFT of Conscious Awareness…TOGETHER.
Your donation offers hope, water, food and shelter supporting 27 Unified amazonian tribes in need. Gathering together twice per month, your generosity of spirit ignites Divine Mastery Prsence In-form! Supporting YOU and our collective rising Conscious Awareness.
Now in our fourth year, Mystical Monday is our very special moment where we “pass the plate” and RECEIVE the gift of extra-ordinary wisdom, reflection, meditation, live Insoulments, and abundant PEACE, LOVE AND JOY!
Monday gatherings emerged naturally over the years to meet the needs of those participating. As humanity’s Conscious Awareness rapidly expands, in 2024 the addition of Stunning visual art of MLKR’s visions became a deeper foundation for each journey. In addition to the video of each session, together they facilitate ease for you integration of the material with greater satisfaction in your daily life experience.
I AM as YOU ARE Mystical Monday is a twice monthly gathering of consciousness with Master Lady Kira Raa. The sole remaining living voice of the Yoga of Self-Ascension, she continues to model Steadfast Commitment, Focused Awareness and Complete trust in ONE with true Devotion & Authenticity for over 22 years.
We are each aware of this world experience as it emerges into ever greater expansion. WE are ALL actively participating in it as teachers, healers and mentors, creating the New World and New Ways that so many are yearning for.
Here, you will explore the cosmic presence that surrounds and illuminates your pathway forward. Imagine the gift of the mystical experience that encompasses what you already know deep within, and may have forgotten, into the complexities of this potentiality.
This is the moment that will transform your life.
And the smile of knowing that your donation transforms the lives of those in desperate need in the Amazonian jungles through Global Minga. What a blessing! Supporting your-self while paying that gift forward simultaneously!