We all know that power and the magic of accepting ourselves and inviting our highest to be our guide. Yet so often we let that go in deference to the “small mind” that seeks to keep its tight control on our lives! 2024 was a year of CHOICE. The moment to walk through the five medicines of consciousness and wake up to the gift of: What in me, invited this to be?
In 2024, Humanity traversed a unique & different “year”. Rising into the Post Equinox world, we are ALL rapidly shape-shifting as Equanimity stabilizes. This is the moment where ALL the veils thin as Consciousness IT-self LIFTS.
2024 called forward, for those ready to RECEIVE, the Eternally RESTORATIVE WISDOM & MEMORY of Conscious Awareness, Experience and CHOICE. This Trinity energy is unfolding through the amplification of AVESA. The Universal heartbeat that weaves this Alchemical shift of Creation IT-self!
The culminating THREE months of 2024 are an expanded Alchemical shift that offers the invitation and full IN-bodiment of AVESA energy. This unveils into this potentiality as: AH, VE and SA.
The gateway for the Cosmic elements to weave with the Tria Prima of this creation. The EQANIMITY and REUNIFICATION of the HU-man and Cosmic BEing. October opened this gateway for the Tria Prima to re-form through the elements of our eternal Nature.
This is your deposit for the full residential program. Total price is $499 and please read the PDF. 2025 demands that we ALL offer our best into the whirlwind ahead! This is the year of the Awarenes of our 2024 Choice! The moment to radiate and step into our higest potential!
Imagine activating and fulfilling your DREAMS through the blessing of a residential Life transformation journey at TOSA Blue Mountain! You will be participating in daily magical intensives and receive the invaluable precious knowledge, sacred tools and personal insights that assure success!
Throughout 2024 the spinning fields of creation have been a delicate balance that invited greater multidimensional awareness. As the four steps of Self-Ascension are WITNESSED, the ability to call forward the unified field of equanimity, as your waking experience, offers the Hu- man its cosmic origins beyond the fields of fear, doubt and hesitancy.
The October, November and December moments are a return as much as they are a beginning.
It all starts ...again..in October as we traverse the Emotional Experience.
Who is navigating this?
This pulls us into the November Mental Choice. Who is making this choice?
Offering a culmination for ALL into the December AWARENESS that INGITES 2025. Are you willing to SOAR and say YES to YOU?
All in the divine preparation for the 2025 Whirlwind that has already begun! Together let us celebrate and SOAR!!!
Here, you will explore the cosmic presence that surrounds and illuminates your pathway forward. Imagine the gift of the mystical experience that encompasses what you already know deep within, and may have forgotten, into the complexities of this potentiality.
This is the moment that will transform your life.
And the smile of knowing that your donation transforms the lives of those in desperate need in the Amazonian jungles through Global Minga. What a blessing! Supporting your-self while paying that gift forward simultaneously!