Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Activating Mastery Alchemy: The Sacred Sequence of Incarnation

Activating Mastery Alchemy: Harness the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation

… A Cosmic Journey into the Codes of the Sacred Sequence of Incarnation

Two Video Teachings, captured from a LIVE delivery by Master Lady Kira Raa PLUS full color pdf supporting material

IT IS…your TIME to KNOW!  Ignite the FREEDOM that IS your Divine Alchemical Transformation. The Full Activation of YOUR UNIQUE Cosmic Journey in this very specific formed potentiality.  Imagine the gift of KNOWING YOU…beyond the perceptions of limitations.

Suggested Price: $44.00

Activating Mastery Alchemy: The Sacred Sequence of Incarnation

Activating Mastery Alchemy: The Sacred Sequence of Incarnation

Suggested Price: $44.00

Activating Mastery Alchemy: Harness the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation

… A Cosmic Journey into the Codes of the Sacred Sequence of Incarnation

Two Video Teachings, captured from a LIVE delivery by Master Lady Kira Raa PLUS full color pdf supporting material

IT IS…your TIME to KNOW!  Ignite the FREEDOM that IS your Divine Alchemical Transformation. The Full Activation of YOUR UNIQUE Cosmic Journey in this very specific formed potentiality.  Imagine the gift of KNOWING YOU…beyond the perceptions of limitations.



 YOU…ARE READY… to KNOW…Beyond the limitations of the illusion of this perception of “formed reality”!
Imagine your life experience with full conscious awareness of HOW to embrace your Divine FREEDOM and restore the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation through your Alchemical Mastery. Imagine the depth of your divine nature in form… fully unlocked and aware of IT-self!

Gift your-self as you in-joy a Two-Part Cosmic Journey of Self-REMEMBRANCE.
Relax and remember the JOY as you restore and RE-MASTER YOUR Divine I AM Presence into THIS FORM.
This sharing is a gift to the world and we invite a $44 Shakti Exchange Donation supporting Global Minga and our urgent needs in the Amazon. 
Your Shakti Exchange Donation Includes:
Two LiveJourney Session Recordings of approximately 1.5 hours each
Full-color PDF of journey materials
YES! The moment YOU have known was coming has arrived!
The Masters table is set, the guests are arriving and your seat awaits!
YOU ARE READY to SET YOURSELF FREE! KNOW WHY you chose THIS specific PLANET, at this critical moment and Re-Claim your UNIQUE Mastery Keys that A-LION your full potential through Activating Mastery Alchemy.
Opening and understanding the codes of  the Sacred Sequence of Incarnation foundationalize your Divine Mastery FREEDOM to navigate this world of illusionary potentiality.
Through this gift, we REMEMBER as Balance is restored.
HARMONIZE the Alchemical FREQUENCY of CONSCIOUS AWARENESS into the active presence of the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation.  Imagine honestly KNOWING! FREE YOUR Soul’s Divine Mastery Presence as YOU… THRIVE and Flourish… NOW! YES! YOU CAN Manifest ALL your co-creative “dreams”in this specific potentiality.  IT IS…through the activation of your personal Alchemy through the Sacred Sequence of Incarnation that remembers the codes YOU ALL-READY HAVE!
The Sacred Sequence of Incarnation is the foundation of supporting Divine Mastery FREEDOM as it navigates the strong pull of this worldly moment of illusionary potentiality.  IT IS…through this gift, we REMEMBER. As True balance is restored we HARMONIZE ALL into the transformative Alchemical FREQUENCY of CONSCIOUS AWARENESS, outside of the illusion that is afraid of its very presence.
To insure your journey is sacred and master-full…Limited Attendance assures your needs are met. We invite you to CLAIM your seat at the table today as we are quickly filling!  Smile, Bring a hand to your heart and celebrate with us…   July 13th & 20th 8 PM ET
KNOW the truth of WHY you’re here!
The Code of the Soul confirms that your presence…here and now…is the gift of your Sacred Sequence of incarnation. The joy-full moment has arisen to FULLY ACTIVATE WHY YOU MADE THE CHOICE TO BE HERE NOW!
YOU ARE a custodian of Healing, Resurrection and Ascension energy or you would not be reading this.
YOU took birth on this specific planet, in this extra-ordinarily Unique experience of linear time to BE HERE…NOW!
The expansive up-level of the 50,000 year cycle has ignited the Ascension Renaissance into the field of the Sea of Neutrality as the Lotus Resurrection. The gift of Divine Mastery Presence IS gathering together ALL THE CODES that WE SECURED into this realm of potentiality should this moment arise!
Imagine HONESTLY RELEASING FEAR…once and for ALL!  
The cycles upon our planet, especially the culmination of the Ascension portal of 2015-2022, has ignited the unique opportunity to FULLY ASCEND WHILE STILL IN BODY. The connection that defies the mind as it ignites the depth of your soul’s conscious awareness… far beyond limited space and time.
From the space of divine clarity…may we ALL reclaim the full awareness that it is beyond the question of whether consciousness is evolving…
IT IS… the moment to discover…again…can we ignite the courage and integrity to invite this transformation to arise peace-fully?
Or is the paradigm of polarity force-fully offering the repetition of the cycle?
Masculine or feminine?  Peace or War?  Love or Hate?
ALL Polarity … is only an experience of this potentiality. The energetic flow that sustains this journey of conscious exploration. As the Alchemical transformation opens the expanded realms of connectivity the REVELATION of the Sacred Sequence of Incarnation arises offering the CLARITY of that which YOU…ARE!


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