Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Avesa Energy Healers Training with LIVE Video Additions

UP-LEVELED instructional videos taught by Sri & Kira from the Healing Chamber at TOSA Blue Mountain

Discover the power of AVESA to rebalance and renew the energy of your clients.  

These training will qualify you for certification.

Your Spiritual Mastery APP discounts apply!  Use your coupon code at checkout.

Suggested Price: $144.00

Avesa Energy Healers Training with LIVE Video Additions

Avesa Energy Healers Training with LIVE Video Additions

Suggested Price: $144.00

UP-LEVELED instructional videos taught by Sri & Kira from the Healing Chamber at TOSA Blue Mountain

Discover the power of AVESA to rebalance and renew the energy of your clients.  

These training will qualify you for certification.

Your Spiritual Mastery APP discounts apply!  Use your coupon code at checkout.


Avesa Energy Balancing opens the pathway to a Mystical Journey of Divine Connection & Crystalline energy providing immediate Healing Restorative Energy Flow

Gift yourself with the mystically unique and powerful experience of Avesa Energy Balancing Training which stabilizes the Ascended state of Being.  It is your moment to allow the release of all blockages and open your Divine Portal of Joy.

Learn how to enhance the power of the Avesa Balancing to create the direct mystical experience of soul communion.  Discover ways to integrate the AVESA Breath and Balancing with other healing modalities.

Avesa is a profound personal expansion journey as well as anextraordinary healing protocol. It is an attunement to a way of remembering your own Divine roots. Students report completing the Avesa experience feeling energized, connected, and full of love, wisdom, and radiant bliss.

Avesa Balancing Training is a profound gift that opens the doorway for your greater expression of activated love and light in the world.

This extraordinary course offers you the opportunity to learn the Avesa Balancing protocol and receive powerful attunements, as well as the means to become certified in the Avesa Balancing Technique. This requires no prior healing experience, for all are healers!

An Avesa Balancing creates an inter-dimensional Quantum Energy field where healing and restoration can happen instantly for it operates beyond time and space. Many are now calling this process the Ten Minute Miracle. In just ten minutes, you can accomplish what could otherwise take hours to achieve, and without ever touching the receiver!

During an Avesa Balancing, we gift ourselves and the receiver with a tangible experience of remembering and reconnecting with our incredible, whole, and harmonious Soul Energy.

The results are often nothing short of miraculous. Those who have experienced this profound gift report diminished physical symptoms, along with greater experience of peace, ability to manifest, clarity of life purpose, and true connection with their Divine being-ness.

As our Soul does not get sick, the more we allow this energy to come forward, the better we feel on all levels: spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally. With each Avesa Balancing Session, the energy of our Authentic Self becomes more and more familiar and available.

These sessions can be offered in-person, and, with advanced training, at a distance. Avesa balancing can be integrated easily with other modalities or offered as a stand alone practice.  The Avesa Balancing offers the client the experience of the ascended state of Being.  Feel the Ascended Chakras!

Whether you are a practicing healer or one who simply wishes to call forth the healer within, this is a powerful gift that empowers your Divinity with greater service!

Prepare to ascend to new heights of consciousness and access your full Divine potential


Avesa Balancing Training will:

  1. Fully activate and expand your own conscious connection to divine guidance.
  2. Gift you with Mystical Archangelic Yogic techniques to balance and harmonize yourself and others.
  3. Provide a gateway to multi-dimensional realms where you will fully align with your Soul Path.
  4. Call forth your Quantum Visioning and your ability to decipher what you see.
  5. Clear away mental chatter so you can discern true guidance from egoic messages.
  6. Enable true communion with your Soul at anytime.
  7. Allow you to live your life from an entirely new perspective and frequency as you assist others to do the same.
  8. Establish you as a powerful co-creator with the energies around and within you.
  9. Reawaken and reactivate your Divine Mastership.
In this Video Training you will witness and  unlock the full power of the Avesa Balancing technique alongside Sri & Kira from the Crystalline Atlantean Healing Chamber at TOSA Blue Mountain.  Enhance your Healing Capacity!
Three Powerful Sessions!

*Tuition for all electronically delivered home study courses is non-refundable and non-transferable.

Additional information


Avesa Balancing Training(Full tuition), Avesa Balancing Training(Half tuition)


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