Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Igniter Shiva Eye Agate – Large

(We are honored to carefully select your sacred stone in response to your request. The sample photo shown here is representative of the stone you will receive.)

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Suggested Price: $122.00

Igniter Shiva Eye Agate – Large

Igniter Shiva Eye Agate – Large

Suggested Price: $122.00

(We are honored to carefully select your sacred stone in response to your request. The sample photo shown here is representative of the stone you will receive.)

Your Spiritual Mastery APP discounts apply!  Use your coupon code at checkout.


Ascended Metaphysical Properties:
The Cosmic Shiva Eye Igniter will ignite your Star consciousness! This is the frequency of Ascension and it is located just slightly above the third eye, (6 th chakra), in the forehead just below the hairline. This is a beautiful stone that can also easily be integrated with most alternative healing modalities. When used in session, it is very effective when used ON the body for healing and balancing. When not in use we suggest placing it on your personal altar as it will carry your intentions to the heavens.
As a direct “communicator” the Igniter will also assist you to open greater channels of information from the Divine self and the Cosmic Universe. It is a wonderful companion for those who channel or are seeking to open to channeling. The presence of energy that emits from this cosmic friend assists that only the highest light come forward and prevents any negativity from entering your divine communications.
Each stone carries UNIQUE properties and will be personally hand selected on your behalf from our sacred energizing altar space!


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