Give and Receive Quantum Healing! The Crystalline Atlantean Healing Chamber opens multidimensional space and will activate deep levels of healing.
Journey with Sri & Kira from the Crystalline Atlantean Chamber at TOSA Blue Mountain! This journey is one you have taken before. It is one you have already mastered and one that assists you, and your clients, to finally & fully release LIFETIMES of energy while also healing the challenges in this lifetime.
The Atlantean Healing Chamber looks for root causes of discomfort from the current lifetime AND prior lifetimes. This includes the release of unconscious dogmas, limiting beliefs and habitual patterns while addressing energetic interferences, including phobias, imprints from ancestry, culture of origin and relationships. If present, any entities, ghosts or inter-dimensional imprints are identified and resolved.
You will be attuned to the vibrational frequency required to stimulate quantum healing in your client.
Take this conscious moment and breathe in Divine Love for the journey you have taken to be here, right now, in this moment! You are READY to unlock and dive ever-deeper into the conscious expansion of your divine birthright: to co-create and clear at ALL LEVELS of your being and assist others to manifest Mastery Presence and CLAIM True Empowerment! The heart of humanity is calling….! If not YOU, who? If not NOW, when!?
The Crystalline Atlantean Healing Chamber is a unique process that opens the client’s energy field to the truth of their multi-dimensional Beingness. From this energy, density constructions can be unwound and released. This is a profoundly powerful healing experience and the Crystalline Chamber is an advanced tool to enhance your Healing Practice.

- how to open multi-dimensional space
- invoking your healing guides/priests to assist
- how to clear dark/interference energy
- how to offer pure clear crystalline light to the client
- how to clear past life interference
- use of your breath as a healing tool
- use of tones, crystals and bells to shift energy patterns
- how to coach the client for optimum integration
This is a small group interactive video training. Your questions will be addressed!
Joy is your birthright and the atlantean Healing Chamber is a gateway to living an Ascended Life!
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