Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

2-Sessions: Distance Healing & Private Consultation with Sri Ram Kaa

TWO Powerful Sessions!  A Private Video Consultation with Sri followed by a personalized Distance Healing to energize your Goals.

Spiritual Mastery App Member?  Check your App to see what Benefits you may be Eligible For!

Suggested Price: $444.00

2-Sessions: Distance Healing & Private Consultation with Sri Ram Kaa

2-Sessions: Distance Healing & Private Consultation with Sri Ram Kaa

Suggested Price: $444.00

TWO Powerful Sessions!  A Private Video Consultation with Sri followed by a personalized Distance Healing to energize your Goals.

Spiritual Mastery App Member?  Check your App to see what Benefits you may be Eligible For!


Are you experiencing physical pain or discomfort?  Recurring emotional patterns?
Has an illness manifested that you are now ready to understand and release?
Would you like to understand the energetic underpinnings of your physical and emotional discomforts?

As a Avesa Master Medical Intuitive, Sri can assist a willing client to understand the emotional and spiritual patterns underpinning your discomfort.  With conscious effort clients can then shift pain and confusion into a centered, soul connected space. These healing sessions are offered remotely and are highly effective for restoring balance to the physical body.

Possible Topics Include:

  • Releasing Fears and Phobias
  • Releasing Blocks to Abundance
  • Understanding why disease persists, and what you can do to release the pattern
  • Healing Trauma Impronts
  • Resolving Grief
  • Opening Dormant Talents
  • Resolving the limiting influence of past life dogma and soul contracts
  • Releasing Energetic Cords
  • Living from the “Higher” Self
  • Discovering ways to move forward into living a more Joyful life

This Healing Package offers you a Private 40-minute Video Consultation followed by a Distant Healing Session scheduled for a different day.  

The Private consultation will offer you an opportunity to review your healing goals in person with Sri and he may give you some ‘assignments’ to prepare you for the Distance Healing Session.

Distance sessions are conducted at night while the client is sleeping and thus more available for energetic contact.

You will be sent a detailed confidential “Client Intake Form” where you can describe your symptoms, questions and healing goals. These issues will be addressed during the healing sessions.


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