Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

2024 I AM the Alchemy of Divine Mastery Presence

2024 I AM Divine Mastery Presence Feb/2024 -Mar/2025…be sure to fully scroll this page for ALL details.

Expand & SOAR w/the Alchemical shift.  The MASTER YOU ARE…is ready to command the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation at humanity’s 12 o’clock hour. Imagine YOU…ignited as your Alchemical Mastery presence IN this FORM after this 13-month IGNITION JOURNEY!  CRYSTALLINE CLARITY and the Gift of personal guidance. Twice monthly mentoring with Sri & Kira offers Peace, Love, Joy and the support to place your vision into SUCCESS-FULL ACTION!

Only 44 seats exist!  This is a Shakti exchange Donation.  Your DEPOSIT reserves your space, (or wait list if we are full).   Scroll for single payment discount + Spiritual Mastery APP discounts APPLY!!

13 months of  extra-ordinary support!  Priceless!…scroll for full details

Suggested Price: $277.00

2024 I AM the Alchemy of Divine Mastery Presence

2024 I AM the Alchemy of Divine Mastery Presence

Suggested Price: $277.00

2024 I AM Divine Mastery Presence Feb/2024 -Mar/2025…be sure to fully scroll this page for ALL details.

Expand & SOAR w/the Alchemical shift.  The MASTER YOU ARE…is ready to command the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation at humanity’s 12 o’clock hour. Imagine YOU…ignited as your Alchemical Mastery presence IN this FORM after this 13-month IGNITION JOURNEY!  CRYSTALLINE CLARITY and the Gift of personal guidance. Twice monthly mentoring with Sri & Kira offers Peace, Love, Joy and the support to place your vision into SUCCESS-FULL ACTION!

Only 44 seats exist!  This is a Shakti exchange Donation.  Your DEPOSIT reserves your space, (or wait list if we are full).   Scroll for single payment discount + Spiritual Mastery APP discounts APPLY!!

13 months of  extra-ordinary support!  Priceless!…scroll for full details


Welcome HOME to YOU BE-loved One!  The Journey of the Yoga of Self-Ascension is as unique as YOU ARE!  Rising into your Divine Mastery Presence the Alchemical transformation of 2024 invites YOU to REMEMBER and KNOW… that as we SERVE with OPEN arms, the Blessing of Manifested In-powerment radiates through every breath as the transcendent smile that KNOWS we have found each other…again!  

2024:  I AM… as YOU ARE Ascension Resurrection!

Starting in the Energy of LOVE…we begin February 14, 2024 and we will share a 13 month journey into our Divine Mastery Presence as the LIVING ESSENCE Of the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation!

The outer world of density has called us to humanity’s 12 o’clock hour and through the sacred sequence of incarnation YOU…CHOSE…to BE HERE…right now! As the planetary thought body invites density  to recycle patterns and strategies that are not supportive with the EMERGENT Alchemical Shift of 2024, remember that the outer chaos presents an extra-ordinary opportunity for YOU…to rise through Conscious Awareness into a greater moment of Divine Mastery Presence. To open your arms and Serve the Awakening!

Your Divine Mastery Presence supports this moment through density with ever greater Peace, Love and JOY! Live your best life of Joy while serving others as the fully illuminated Teacher, Mentor and Healer.

JOIN US and nourish your conscious evolution through 13-months of support.

The moment of the AWARENESS of the Potentiality at hand; the Ascension Renaissance that IS… the integrated Divine Mastery Presence in form …NOW.

Imagine your life in full manifested motion after 13 months of personal mentoring PLUS  Self-Ascension Master Mind energy focused  as a laser of Crystalline light…Pure, Clear, Transcendent, Radiant and Luminescent …ALL FOR YOUR Dreams to MANIFEST!

The Law of Instantaneous Manifestation is Yours to claim and call forward into action. 

This is a deeply unique and personal journey! YOUR PERSONAL vision supported and navigated with the personal attention and guidance of Wisdom Teacher Sri Ram Kaa and Mastery Lady Kira Raa.

Working directly with Sri & Kira while in the sacred container of others on the same pathway offers extra-ordinary support!  The 2024 CHOICE that humanity is making IS THE DEFINING CHOICE of this cycle!  Knowing that truth…what do YOU want to accomplish and call forward?

Engaging the 2024 Divine Mastery Journey offers you a foundation to continue and the strength of having your personal guide waiting to expand any and every thing!  AND…if you are calling to Mastery Mentoring ONE on ONE with Sri and/or MLKR…click here to learn more!

Your Divine Mastery Presence is speaking to your heart and that is what called you here now. This is a limited enrollment journey to ASSURE PERSONAL mentoring and bonafide results.   This thirteen-month Stunning Mastery Anchor-ship is the illuminating process that calls forward the full Activation of the Law of Instantaneous Manifestation.
“After two years of mentoring with Sri & Kira, and the trust within this community of like minded, big hearted Soul family, I knew that by saying YES, I am opening up to a new reality that I did not know possible for me. And in 2024 my dream of going to TOSA Blue Mountain is now a reality!  I am eternally great-full for my new life!”
…Carol, Australia
Participating in this journey calls forward ALL of the following:

We begin in February 2024 and will CULMINATE at the Equinox of March 2025!  A profound 13-month period that will most certainly have humanity arriving at a very different moment.

 13 months of twice monthly small group personal Mastery expansion with Sri & Kira…

The cycle of the 13…crystalline clairvoyance and Divine Mastery Presence ANCHORSHIP ignites the unified field of the masculine and the feminine into the journey of supportive mastery life experience.  The active presence of the Law of Instantaneous manifestation. 

Yes… this will address your personal expansion and so much more!

Receive video Recordings of ALL sessions!

Twice Monthly Coaching Sessions – Expansionary in-depth mastery training.  ALL journey materials are also included…plus more, and your APP discounts apply!

Total Shakti Exchange for the 13-month program is $2,777. 

Monthly payments are only $193 after making the reservation deposit, OR….  

Make One easy payment and SAVE! Total 13-month program as ONE payment is: $2222.  To complete this program as one payment please make a note in your deposit or write

Remaining Shakti exchange donation after this reservation deposit is: $1945

This $277.00 Shakti exchange donation secures your space as this journey is limited to 44.  If it is received after we are full, you will be offered to be on a wait list or a refund.

Your Spiritual Mastery APP discounts apply! Use your coupon code at checkout

Questions?  Want to arrange personalized payment plan?  Please write! (Click Here)

“The Divine Mastery Presence journey shifted my life in incredible ways and provided invaluable support. I discovered so much about myself that was previously hidden from view. I AM now able to fully accept, reclaim and nurture ever-greater Authenticity and clarity while anchoring my oneness with the Divine Presence within.” – Prior DMP Participant


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