Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Pure Frankincense (Enhances Rudraksha Mukhi 1,4,5, 7,9, 12, 14, 16, 20 & Ganesh Rudra)

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Suggested Price: $8.50

Pure Frankincense (Enhances Rudraksha Mukhi 1,4,5, 7,9, 12, 14, 16, 20 & Ganesh Rudra)

Pure Frankincense (Enhances Rudraksha Mukhi 1,4,5, 7,9, 12, 14, 16, 20 & Ganesh Rudra)

Suggested Price: $8.50

Your Spiritual Mastery APP discounts apply!  Use your coupon code at checkout.


Originating from the Boswellia tree known for its profound healing effects for the body, this “universal” scent rapidly dispels negativity while enhancing spirituality, purity and consecration. The presence of this aroma also protects against dark energies, aids to deepen meditation and cosmic travel. It assists to add depth to psychic visions and offers courage. It is overall protection and an abundance attractor. This is PURE FRANKINCENSE and for many the aroma is a wonderful surprise as most other Frankincense sticks simply cannot compare.


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