Tropical Papaya Parfaits

Papayas amazing for your skin and digestion, I love everything about them…
Tomato Basil Gazpacho Soup

MmmMmm! Indulge yourself in this beautiful and hearty gazpacho soup!
Strawberry Shortcakes

With simple ingredients packed with everything you look for in a dessert, these are amazing!
Rainbow Wraps with Tomatillo Sauce

These rainbow wraps will absolutely satisfy your sandwich needs, without the regret! This is high vibrational food and the more you eat it, the more your doors open to oneness!
Coconut Chia Seed Yogurt with Turmeric

This recipe is sweet with a dash of tart that will tickle your taste buds with delight!
Apple Pie 2.0

Delicious, healthy and packed with flavor. . .and you only need a few ingredients!