Claiming Our Clarity Through the Experience of “Density Sanity”

by Sri and Kira The experience of our lives since the beginning of 2012 has become an ever greater expansion of the density experience. Time has gone into “hyper drive”, and our physical and emotional bodies are wondering how to cope! Through this experience there is a clear choice ahead…clarity or density! Let us remember […]
The Ego: Freedom’s Pirate
A revealing article by Sri and Kira!
Authentic Evolution:Spiritual Nourishment vs. Ego Nourishment
Authentic Evolution: Spiritual Nourishment vs Ego Nourishment by Sri Ram Kaa and Kira Raa True nutrition is that which expands balance and harmony, and thus expands true love. True love is all-ways non-judgmental, it simply radiates the energy of Light. For the body, true nutrition offers energy and is restorative without also delivering a toxic […]