he Active Role of the Yoga of Self-Ascension is to sustain Peace, Love, and Joy for ALL.
Your expanded ascended presence is the mastery of the attainment of the Yoga of Self-Ascension.
Giving yourself the gift of activating your Soul’s Purpose for its highest expression allows you to nourish and maintain a state of enlightened living and true bliss. This is the essence of the Yoga of Self-Ascension
Self-Ascension is the freedom to lift into your highest expression consciously and Joyously while enjoying form! Your life is not meant to be hard! Sri & Kira live and teach each day as the expression of the Art of Ascended Living, the energy of Shanti-Bhakti-Ananda.
- Archangel Zadkiel
Our greatest blessing is to offer the gift of Universal Spirituality know as “Self-Ascension”. Simply stated, it is the recognition that all Beings have the full nature of the sacred inside themselves and the ability to live a life of abundance through this gift.
We recognize that dogmatic traditions are a supportive starting point that assist to bring the spiritual seeker to that glorious moment where the journey must transcend the dogma and become a Direct Mystical Experience. Self-Ascension is the recognition that you already have everything you need inside your heart to reconnect.
As Archangel Zadkiel so lovingly shares: Keep your eyes on the Divine at all times! And have a good time doing it!
This wisdom offers us a simple yet profound opportunity to REMEMBER our MASTERY! Through the conscious connection with our divine nature AS our True nature, we invite ourselves to life into the Ascended State.
Ascension is the CONSCIOUS remembering of our Divine nature while we are still in body! Sri Ram Kaa still smiles as he remembers the first time he asked Archangel Zadkiel about Ascension, here is the response offered through bouts of laughter!
Sri Ram Kaa! We find this very funny for how can you ascend back to that which you ALREADY ARE? You are here to REMEMBER your Divine Mastery while still in this form. This is what we offer to you as Self-Ascension.
Humanity has entered into the “next phase” of its divine evolutionary process and as such, we are NOW at the moment of rising through the Pyramid of Spiritual Awakening to FULLY REMEMBER ourselves beyond this illusionary experience. This is a journey that EVERY BEING is taking whether they are “conscious” of it or not!
As Einstein stated, Continuing to do the same thing over and over again while expecting different results is the definition of insanity! The same can be said about Breaking free of the illusion!As Sri Ram Kaa shares so lovingly: You simply cannot play yourself off of this gameboard! The only way you can free yourself is to LIFT!”
Humanity has arrived at the top of the Ascension Escalator that spanned 2015-2022 and LIFT is becoming easier as the dimensional shifts are anchoring. The existence of the many possibilities of parallel dimensions is not a far fetched as some might say. The experience of multiple timelines, sense of time warp, and other cosmic connections are indeed “evidence” of the expanded consciousness that is yours to claim!
These four steps are part of a divine process that alchemically assist your physical body to RELAX into TRUST as your SOUL EMERGES. When the full Model of Self-Ascension, (as shown here), is revealed with the alchemical principles of propulsion that ignite the journey, then we are able to lift through the illusion and Ascend into the first experience of the Witnesser.
From here we begin to relax evermore into the TRUST that offers mastery presence to our soul and sends the clear signal to the universe that …YES! I AM HERE, I AM READY, I AM OPEN, GUIDE ME!
It is the moment of Divine Awareness that begins the Mastery experience and one can only arrive there after navigating through the Pyramid of Spiritual Awakening.
he Active Role of the Yoga of Self-Ascension is to sustain Peace, Love, and Joy for ALL.
Your expanded ascended presence is the mastery of the attainment of the Yoga of Self-Ascension.
Giving yourself the gift of activating your Soul’s Purpose for its highest expression allows you to nourish and maintain a state of enlightened living and true bliss. This is the essence of the Yoga of Self-Ascension
Self-Ascension is the freedom to lift into your highest expression consciously and Joyously while enjoying form! Your life is not meant to be hard! Sri & Kira live and teach each day as the expression of the Art of Ascended Living, the energy of Shanti-Bhakti-Ananda.
- Archangel Zadkiel
As you connect with the lessons, expand your journey of Self-Ascension through simple to learn and highly effective practices as gifted to the world through the Ascended presence of the divine!
Ascension is the CONSCIOUS remembering of our Divine nature while we are still in body! Sri Ram Kaa still smiles as he remembers the first time he asked Archangel Zadkiel about Ascension, here is the response offered through bouts of laughter!
Sri Ram Kaa! We find this very funny for how can you ascend back to that which you ALREADY ARE? You are here to REMEMBER your Divine Mastery while still in this form. This is what we offer to you as Self-Ascension.
Humanity has entered into the “next phase” of its divine evolutionary process and as such, we are NOW at the moment of rising through the Pyramid of Spiritual Awakening to FULLY REMEMBER ourselves beyond this illusionary experience. This is a journey that EVERY BEING is taking whether they are “conscious” of it or not!
As Einstein stated, Continuing to do the same thing over and over again while expecting different results is the definition of insanity! The same can be said about Breaking free of the illusion!As Sri Ram Kaa shares so lovingly: You simply cannot play yourself off of this gameboard! The only way you can free yourself is to LIFT!”
Humanity has arrived at the top of the Ascension Escalator that spanned 2015-2022 and LIFT is becoming easier as the dimensional shifts are anchoring. The existence of the many possibilities of parallel dimensions is not a far fetched as some might say. The experience of multiple timelines, sense of time warp, and other cosmic connections are indeed “evidence” of the expanded consciousness that is yours to claim!
These four steps are part of a divine process that alchemically assist your physical body to RELAX into TRUST as your SOUL EMERGES. When the full Model of Self-Ascension, (as shown here), is revealed with the alchemical principles of propulsion that ignite the journey, then we are able to lift through the illusion and Ascend into the first experience of the Witnesser.
From here we begin to relax evermore into the TRUST that offers mastery presence to our soul and sends the clear signal to the universe that …YES! I AM HERE, I AM READY, I AM OPEN, GUIDE ME!
It is the moment of Divine Awareness that begins the Mastery experience and one can only arrive there after navigating through the Pyramid of Spiritual Awakening.