Sri & Kira Yoga of Self-Ascension

Zen Lifestyle Super Stack Special!

Congratulations! Today is one you will all-ways remember! It is the moment you said YES TO YOU!

Home Study Course:  Navigating The Inner Matrix

Learn what thousands have already discovered:  Navigating The Inner Matrix is a proven 9-week journey! Combining spiritual energy practices with sound psychological principles – this program really works!

To obtain Your Download Links, just complete the form below and make sure that your email is entered correctly, then click SEND.
You will receive access to the download page for the course material and free bonuses.





    “Navigating the Inner Matrix” Students Share their Experiences:
    “Words do not adequately express my gratitude for the Navigating the Inner Matrix and its truth.  The simple tools presented have provided me freedom from energies/beliefs that had hindered me. Even though I’d attended many other workshops and classes over the years, I am now beginning to experience a level of true Peace, Love and Joy!  As Rumi so lovingly wrote, “Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field.  I’ll meet you there.”  Thank you for providing a way to access this peaceful field.  Many blessings!

    “I believe it’s impossible to take this course and not experience a profound shift in your experience of life—regardless of how far along you think you are on your spiritual journey!” 

    “The Inner Matrix course is profoundly moving and the most advanced method for someone to raise their frequency of anything I have studied or discovered in my 23 years of being a trans-formational retreat director”.  

    Zen Lifestyle Super Stack Special!